Tackle These Platforms Before Putting Your Online Presence To The Back Of Your Mind

Every new business owner knows the importance of online presence. If you aren’t on the net, it’s unlikely that you’ll make a go of things. But, what some don’t realize is that a website still doesn’t count as an ‘online presence’ in the modern age. Why? Because it’s not enough! If a website is the only online evidence of your company, it could get overlooked. The chances are that only customers who visit your physical shop will even know about it!

Any SEO Expert will tell you that it’s crucial you tackle a few platforms before you can even start to build a reputation. You need to be everywhere on the internet to ensure customers sit up and take notice. The chances are you’re already aware of the business benefits of Twitter and Facebook. If you aren’t already using them, sign up. But, we’re going to look at a few of the platforms you might not have considered yet.

Broadcast Yourself

More and more businesses are turning to Youtube as a way to enhance their online presence. And, with good reason. For the younger generation, Youtube is go-to. Instead of hunting for websites, they’ll head to Youtube and search reviews. So, you need to have a video presence if you’re going to win over this audience. That involves making your own channel and contacting YouTubers for reviews. Sending free products to popular YouTubers is sure to see a hefty return. That’s if they like your products, anyway. But, it’s a risk worth taking.

You should also use your Youtube channel to the best of your abilities. Making compelling content, which doesn’t only focus on your product, is the best way to make this platform work. Of course, you’ll want to keep things relevant. But, countless advertisement videos are no way to gain subscribers.

Capture and Share the World’s Moments

It’s also worth getting to grips with Instagram. This platform is well worth using because it’s easy and can see major traffic coming to your site. Even if you’ve never considered Instagram for business before, the chances are that you know what an ‘Instaphoto’ looks like. Framing things in a pretty way, and putting a filter over it is all it takes. Then, you can reach more customers using hashtags when you post. These keywords ensure people find your page. If you’ve included contact information there, it shouldn’t be long before they become customers.

Life’s more fun when you live in the moment

Much like Instagram, Snapchat is a photo based social media which is also worth your time. There’s not a great deal of difference between the two, but Snapchat has more focus on video content. Plus, there’s less pressure for high-quality pictures. While Instagram makes an art of capturing life, Snapchat operates on a fast come, fast go basis. Images disappear after 24 hours. So, this may be a good one to turn to if you don’t have time one day. You can interact without worrying too much. The urgency of the platform also makes it ideal for promoting flash sales and offers.

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