Is Your Office Talking Behind Your Back?

If you welcome clients and potential partners to your workspace, you better be prepared for the fact they will be keeping their eyes peeled for any insight into the business. As it is entirely your space, you had better believe that it’s going to say something about you. How do you make sure your office isn’t talking trash behind your back? Here are a few things it could be saying if you’re not careful.

Client’s aren’t that important

If you want to be economical with your space, you might find the setup that’s perfect for you and exactly the amount of people you have. However, if you lack the kind of office reception area shown at Entrepreneur or if you have no open, shared and fair spaces, it doesn’t create a warm welcome. People often don’t feel like they can speak on equal terms when they’re sitting in an office, separated by a desk in different kinds of chairs. It creates an air of authority that will be a big turn-off for potential clients.

The brand’s all for show

Branding isn’t just something pretty to get your message across. It’s an identity that your business as a whole should be endeavouring to emulate. To that end, if there are no signs of that brand identity in office décor and you’re sticking to generic setups, it doesn’t create the impression you’re true to your brand. If they start second-guessing that, they might start second-guessing the business as a whole.

You don’t take your own business seriously

The workplace isn’t just the home of the business. It’s the responsibility of the owner, as well. If you own the space you work in, make sure you’re taking care of it. Even some of the more serious kinds of wear and tear can be reversed and prevented with the help of teams like Tendon LLC. Show that you’re not taking your responsibility for the workplace seriously and clients and partners will be inclined to believe that responsibilities, in general, aren’t all that big a deal for you.

The team gets no respect

The same logic goes for the kind space you provide your team and how they do their work. Creating a versatile office layout that takes seriously their needs for different spaces doesn’t just show that you’re a better boss than some. It’s also crucial to productivity, which is something anyone who plans on relying on you will care about.

You’re a glory hog, not a collaborator

There are plenty of signs that you might be a selfish boss, and thus likely to be a selfish partner in business, as well. One of those is the visual focus on too much achievement in your office. Don’t hang all your personal diplomas and awards in your office. Focus on showing the team’s achievements instead if you have to show anything.

Be mindful of each and every way your business presents itself and presents you as an owner, including the office. Get it on message and give your clients and partners a good impression.

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