6 Things to DO during CoronaVirus

The world has been isolated, stunned, more than we’ve seen more than a jubilee, since WWII. This villain is different, this is a villain we can’t see, reason with, hear, and no nation in the world can build an army against. A pandemic that does not care about religion, race, creed, origin, or colour.

Everyone has been touched, from the sanitation worker to neurosurgeons. Even eCommerce hasn’t escaped the wrath of coronavirus

The silver lining?

For the first time in history, everyone is on the same level. This is an amazing chance to get ahead while the world is in the twilight zone.

Fortunately, a big advantage between now and any previous plague is that we have the connection of the internet to learn, fuel, earn, communicate, and live.

Especially in Canada and the USA, NOW is when to get ready for when the world wakes up once again. Now is the time to learn and improve your skills. It is the best way to protect yourself and your future.

Remember, the world may be very very different post corona and the internet may become more of a mainstay, even for low tech companies.

Do you like internet marketing? Learn SEO, PPC, Email Marketing

Are you attracted to content? Learn how to create engaging and impactful content.

Are you interested in art? Learn how to bring amazing creations to life,, even digitally.

This is not an affiliated promotion (I just write articles) , there are tons of amazing training sites offering hand holding guides. Our favorite is Udemy.com, a world renown course site where you can learn everything from marketing to woodcrafts

Let’s be super clear:


This is the time for action.

Check it out: https://www.udemy.com/

You can also check out our digital marketing consulting opportunities here

So what will happen post virus?

Impossible to know, we don’t know the timeline, how depleted resources will be or what ongoing new laws will have to be taken on.

However, people don’t change, you, your family, community, and the globe as a whole.

85% of businesses are now in peril, and if starting a new online business the key might be to pick something that’s recession proof and pandemic proof.
And it’s not going to see improvement until the pandemic passes. The worse it gets, the more panicky the response will be as human survival instinct kicks in.

This is why you need to be ready, educated, and ready to be at the top of the hiring list when its all over. Now is the time to learn and start using those skills online for yourself or companies looking to work virtually for now.

Key is to have a post virus, have an education, online experience, and business under your belt, your key to success turning this difficult time into a life changing opportunity.

Think positive!

Ok, I’ll do it – but I need money now too!

Yes, this is why you gotta get online and start working as well. If there was no web, there would be chaos, BUT, fortunately we’re all just as connected as we were before (maybe a little more cabin fever). The funny quip in the business world is that “Now we can see how many of those meetings could have been emails after all”.

Translating that, it means that a significant percentage of jobs can be done from anywhere, and at the moment, the best option for millions.

So – to survive this, for your physical, spiritual health, and overall wellness

  • Update your Resume (especially with remote work)
  • Apply to jobs on Monster.ca, LinkedIn etc, and go freelance online
  • Search in your local community groups
  • Start a blog (like this one!)
  • Creative? Try Etsy!

Everyone has something to provide another, it’s the wonderment of the person, the miracle of the internet allows you to make yourself known.

If you want a hashtag: CoronaVirus / Covid-19 – Leveling the Playing Field

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