6 Tips For Effectively Managing Part-Time Workers

Part-time workers represent a large segment of the country’s workforce. Whether by choice or by necessity, these workers have a unique set of needs that must be balanced with the needs of your other staff members. For managers who want to maximise productivity in their workplaces, it is essential to know how to effectively manage your part-time workers.

Fortunately, it usually takes only a few minor adjustments to become a more effective manager. By taking a step back and looking at some of the obvious differences between full- and part-time workers, it quickly becomes clear that certain managing strategies are better than others. Taking some time to consider the practices that have worked for other managers will help you make your own workplace more productive.

Let’s look at six specific tips that will help you effectively manage your part-time workers.

6 Tips For Effectively Managing Part-Time Workers

Optimise Your Scheduling

Finding the right place for your part-time workers in your schedule is one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the most value from your workforce. Setting the right schedule also allows your part-time workers to enjoy the flexibility of their work/life balance. Using online rota software from Deputy, for example, will help you set up a schedule that makes the most of everyone’s time.

Make Your Expectations Clear

It is your responsibility as a manager to provide clear guidance and expectations about what you want from your part-time workers. If you do not delineate and clarify how your team members are supposed to contribute to your business, then do not be surprised if their productivity is less than it could be.

Provide Training And Resources

Make sure that your part-time workers are provided with the same training and resources as your full-time staff. You cannot expect part-time workers to provide the same level of service or performance without the same tools at their disposal. Depending on the tasks that your part-time employees are responsible for, you may even consider putting on training that is primarily for your part-time workers.

Communicate Often

Make sure that your part-time workers feel comfortable enough to let you know what is working and what is not. It can be more difficult to keep in touch with part-time workers, who may not always be at the business during regular working hours. Use remote working technologies like video chat or email to keep the lines of communication open.

Provide Room For Advancement

You want your part-time employees to feel like they have a long-term future at your company. This way, they will have a vested interest in getting work done to benefit the future of the business. If you want to provide this long-term future, however, you need to make sure that there are ways for part-time employees to move up in the career ladder. The path may not always be as clear for part-time workers as it is for full-time workers, but it is essential to keep the former on a track of upward development within your business.

Make Your Meetings Inclusive

If you need to inform your team about the latest events in your business or major changes that are on the way, make sure to include your part-time workers in the meeting too. In fact, it is best to include your part-time workers in meetings as often as possible. This will help them feel like they are part of the team, and it will let your entire staff become more familiar with who is on your team.

Being A More Effective Manager Is Easy

Following these six tips will help you become more effective in managing your part-time workers and ensure that they play a productive and meaningful role in your business. With all of your team working together, you will be able to work towards your business goals with confidence. 

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