7 SEO Tricks for Startups with Little Effort, yet Big Impacts

SEO is short for “search engine optimisation.” It is a commonly practised strategy by websites on the internet that want to rank higher and increase their traffic on search engines like Google. In this blog post, you will find the top 7 SEO tricks that require minimal effort but can have a great impact on your SEO.

Define the keywords you can target for each key page

In general terms, keywords define what your content is about. When it comes to SEO, keywords refer to the words and phrases that are strategically used by copywriters to help content rank higher on search engines like Google.

If you are writing your own content, you are recommended to plan out the content and complete the keyword research before you begin writing. This will give your content the best shot at ranking high on Google.

For instance, if you are a car mechanic looking to improve your local SEO for your emergency services website pages, some great keywords could be:

Google Keyword Planner can help you to find the right terms but how to use those keywords to be more visible? Ask yourself three questions:

  1. Do you have page that are about each topic?
  2. Do they contain the right terms in the main area used by Google to score pages?
  3. Are you visible both in Google search and Google Maps?
  4. Do you have convincing pages that will generate a lead?

Write unique and attractive Title Tags

A title tag refers to an HTML tag that specifies the title of a web page, available in the code of your pages. CMS (Content Management System) have options to create Title Tags, whether we are talking about WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Magento…

They are important because those same title tags are displayed on search engine results pages. They are also the first thing that the user sees when he searches for a particular keyword or phrase.

It is important that the title tags are catchy and interesting while being relevant to the content as that can influence the user and whether they click on your website or not. There are many signals that influence rankings but Title tags are one very first optimisation that professional SEO companies improve when working on a project.

If you blatantly ignore the content of your page and proceed with having a “clickbait” title, despite of getting a high amount of traffic, your website bounce rate will increase. It will tell Google that something is wrong and that your web page is not worthy.

This will cause your page to be pushed far down the list of the Google search results until it eventually stops getting the attention it once did.

Properly link your pages together with SEO-friendly anchor texts

When you start to build content on your website, it is important that you find a way to link your pages together. One of the best ways to do that is by pre-planning your content. This will allow you to naturally hyperlink a particular keyword or phrase within the content that can take the user to a new page on the website. Check-out that guide from Ahrefs, which will give you lots of hints for internal links strategy.

For example, if you are running a lifestyle blog and have a published blog regarding healthy eating, next time you write a blog on the topic of weight loss, make sure that the topic of healthy eating comes up so that you can inter-link the blogs.

Participate to blog into your niche to get links

If internal links (between your pages) are important, external links (from other website to your pages) are also crucial. Google takes those links into consideration when it comes to rankings and that important to get some, along with developing your brand awareness. Analyse the way your competitors communicate, improve your link building strategy and do an audit are common best practices to start with.

Working on PR campaigns, giving interviews, creating great pieces of content are ways to get links but you can also try to participate and establish partnerships with websites in your industry.

This means that you will have write a blog for another website within your niche. This will provide your domain with backlinks, which are a fundamental factor if you are aiming for the first page of Google. When your domain is linked to another domain through content via hyperlinks, your webpage will get “link juice”.

This link juice is responsible for helping you to improve your domain authority, which in turn can help you to outrank your competitors for the exact same keywords and phrases.

Use SEO-friendly heading plans

Headings are an important part of any piece of written material. They act as the signposts that guide the reader through the blog post and it gives information to Google about the structure of your page.

Having SEO-friendly headings can greatly impact your search engine results as if your content is well organised and readable, with proper H1 and H2 tags, users are more likely to read through it and stay on the page for longer.

Once the algorithm has enough data points to determine the value of your page, it will rank that particular blog higher on the SERP.

Find content ideas with and get featured in Google

In 2019, over 4.4 million blogs posts were published every single day. So, finding great and unique content ideas to write about can certainly be a challenge. However, just because you can’t think of any good titles to write about, that doesn’t mean that you can’t use the internet for help.

There are plenty of websites like Answerthepublic.com that can help you with finding your next viral content idea that can shoot your website to the number one page on Google.

Make your pages load fast

Page speed can be very problematic for your website SEO. It is another vital factor that can greatly impact how effective your SEO is for your website.
Pages that load slowly will not only be ranked lower by the Google algorithm but users are also likely to click out of a website if it takes more than 4 seconds to load.

This will additionally harm your SEO. One of the best ways to guarantee that you have a great loading speed is to keep your pages light. This means fewer animations, no unnecessary code and a definite no to large file images.


SEO is arguably the best way you can get free and targeted traffic flowing to your website. While the effects of SEO can completely transform your business and double your monthly revenue, it isn’t an easy and quick process. Businesses that organically rank high on search engines often spend thousands of dollars a month on new content and continuous website optimisation. Typically speaking, if you start today, and if you do everything right, there is a good chance you will see results within the next 3-6 months.

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