Logo And Do It! Creating A Lasting Image For Your Business

Logo And Do It! Creating A Lasting Image For Your Business

When starting a business, there are so many things that you need to think about to make sure that you get off to a flying start. As well as issues like the staff, office space and others, you probably started thinking about your marketing strategies. What approach you are going to take to your product branding? When it comes to branding your products, there is one key thing that you need to examine and ponder over. That is the business logo. The power a company logo has over businesses is vast. When you think of big companies like Pepsi or Apple, the image is at the forefront of your mind. You can argue that the image is not just a front for the business, but it is the business. If you have not thought about what goes into a logo let’s have a look:

What Should A Logo Be?


A logo should be the following:

  • It should be simple. A simple logo will be easily recognised and memorable. Logos that are effective usually features something unique and unexpected without overcomplicating matters.
  • It should be appropriate. Where or how you place the logo on your products needs to be suitable for the purpose.
  • It should be versatile. A logo should work across different applications, mediums and platforms. If you outsource to a Website Design Agency, they look to develop your image across different platforms.
  • It should be enduring. The best logos are ones that have been around for decades. If you do it correctly, it should still be effective a long time into the future.

Logo And Do It! Creating A Lasting Image For Your Business

When you have decided to design a logo, it forms part of the branding process. Defining this is the way to creating the brand for your product. Every business has their process, but there is a basic structure that marketing agencies use:

  • 1. Making a design brief. This is when marketing agencies conduct an interview with the client or business to get the brief on the design.
  • 2. Doing the research. This normally focuses attention on the industry involved and other significant factors, like the business competitors.
  • 3. Making frames of reference. Research logo designs that have previously been successful. Also conducting research into contemporary styles or trends that are linked to the design brief.
  • 4. Conceptualising the idea. At this point, the logo concepts are being developed.
  • 5. Reflecting on the logo. It is at this point you would need to think how the logo presents itself. Does the image travel well i.e. does it look good on typical household items for example?

To create a successful business logo, time is a major factor. Using the structure of this branding process, you now have the tools to make a successful logo.

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