Men Earn More Than Women But Not in These Jobs

Gender equality is one of the most debated topics in society right now especially in the workforce. Men still make more than women in most professions considerably more in some occupations than others. Glassdoor reached this conclusion after a study they conducted based on more than 500,000 salary reports from its users. They compared the pay of men and women with the same job title, at similar companies and in the same state with similar levels of education and experience. Even after making this apples-to-apples comparison, women still get paid less earning on average about 95 cents for every dollar men make.

There are some factors why women earn lesser. Based on the studies, some women often negotiate smaller raises for themselves than men in similar jobs and some may reflect job choice. For example, a woman with young children may have a job title that reflects her seniority but opt to work at a company that pays somewhat less in exchange for flexibility. But that also changes depending on what women do for a living.

Here are the top 10 jobs where women earn more than men:

1. Social worker – $1.08
2. Merchandiser – $1.08
3. Research assistant – $1.07
4. Purchasing specialist – $1.06
5. Physician advisor – $1.02
6. Communications associate – $1.02
7. Social media – $1.02
8. Health educator – $1.01
9. Procurement – $1.01
10. Business coordinators and therapists – $1.01

The changes may be slow for the existing gender pay gap but women are now heading to higher ranks than men.

Source: CNN

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Camille Marie Marcon is a professional creative content writer who has worked for international companies from American to British to Australian and now Japanese. She has also worked as Freelance Marketing Consultant for a local startup in Cebu.