SEO Content Strategy Tips to Boost your Ranking in 2019

Singapore is every online business’ dream market with 84% or 4.83 million of Singaporeans now online. This presents a great opportunity for any serious business.

However, for your business to tap into this rich online market, you have to rank highly on search engines results for your ranking keywords. It all starts with creating great content to attract traffic to your site and boost ranking on search engines.

To enjoy the best search engine results, you need to evaluate your content strategy in 2019.

Why do you need an SEO Content Strategy?

For most marketers, getting good ranking on search engines is all about finding the best keywords. Using these, they create and distribute random articles, blogs, videos and hope for the best ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). This is the main pitfall for online businesses because such content doesn’t achieve the desired results.

For an online business, you need to appreciate that SEO is at the core of your marketing efforts. Without the best SEO techniques, your site will not appear on search results. This means your target customers will not find you.
Content marketing is crucial in your SEO campaigns. SEO content helps your business rank highly on SERPs for your target keywords. To achieve this, you need a smart SEO content strategy. This is the most effective way to increase ranking on SERPs, earn long-term traffic and boost conversions.

Creating SEO Content Strategy in 2019

Consider the following ideas to create the best content strategy for 2019:

  1. Human-First Approach
  2. Whether you want to use video, write blogs, or promote your business on social media, you have to create content suitable for real people.

    For a long time, marketers have focused on keywords which in turn leads to content suited for search engines and not humans. In 2019, your content must focus on the people who read your content.

    Don’t try to trick the system by stuffing keywords in your content. Instead, create content that promotes user experience because Google, Yahoo, and Bing are all about UX.

    SEO content with customers in mind will lead to a higher ranking on SERPs.

  3. Mobile-First SEO Content
  4. The number of smartphone users in Singapore will reach 4.82 million by 2022. This follows the global trend where most internet users now go online on mobile.

    When creating your content, you have to focus on mobile because this is where your target customers are.
    Create responsive content which is easy to read across multiple screen sizes. Ultimately, this will boost your site traffic and also raise your ranking on search results.

    Creating such content requires the input of a reliable digital marketing agency in Singapore. These professionals have the expertise and resources to create diverse content types optimized for mobile.

  5. Integrate Voice Search Into Your Content Strategy
  6. 50% of all online searches will be performed with voice search by 2022. With this in mind, you have to tweak your content strategy in 2019 and start leveraging voice search.

    You need to understand your target audience even better and use words they will most likely search. You should also aim for featured snippets which Google Home and Google Assistant use to answer voice search queries.

    Your content must answer specific questions, concisely and engagingly. This requires more conversational content.
    User intent is key to optimizing your content for voice search. You must understand user intent to create the perfect content for voice search.

    Long-tail keywords and questions must also form part of your content marketing strategy when leveraging voice search. When people use voice search, they do it just like in ordinary conversations. This is where long-tail keywords come in handy.

    Local SEO also plays an important role in voice search. 58% of consumers today have used voice search whenever they need to find a business near them. For your Singapore business, you should leverage location-based content and “near me” phrases in all types of content you create.

  7. Go for Deep SEO Content
  8. Deep content is one of the biggest SEO trends in 2019, and you should integrate this into your content strategy for 2019. Create content that goes deeper and delves further into a topic.

    Your target audience has a lot of information available to them and they need more than just the basics. With Google now intensifying its emphasis on content quality, this is a major step in improving your ranking on search results.

  9. Quality Links
  10. There’s a lot of information out there about links and link building. Many marketers say link building is dead, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Link building remains one of the most effective SEO strategies.

    When used right, this SEO tactic can revolutionize your content strategy by driving high-quality traffic to your site and building your site’s online presence and authority.

    Use guest posting as part of your link building strategy for the best results.

Wrapping Up

If you have concerns about the effectiveness of your content marketing campaign, it is time to reconsider your strategy. You need to create quality content with a human-first approach. Avoid keyword stuffing and stay on the lookout for SEO content trends such as voice search, mobile-first indexing, long-tail keywords and deep content.

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