Globe Promises Faster Internet Speed by 2020

Globe Telecom has stated that two million homes will have access to an internet speed of 10 Megabits per second by the year 2020. Invests are being rolled out to help the Philippines shake off the reputation of having one of the slowest internet speeds in the region. The company is set to construct more cell sites and deploy fiber optic cables in 20,000 barangays all over the country.

To do such a thing, most of its $750 million capital expenditure budget this year will be used, as announced by Globe President and CEO Ernest L. Cu during the 9th Wonderful World with Globe last Monday. The infrastructure build will take up to five years and will extend network coverage towards areas that either have no connection or has terrible service. The Philippines is known for its slow internet speed, with an average of just 3.6 Mbps per household.


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