Achieve Prodigious Output With These Clever Founder Tools

Something has changed in the world of startups. In the past, you had to have a whole team of people around you to get even the most basic of tasks done. But modern startups are spoiled in an age of digital bounty. They have tools for literally anything they could imagine, and it’s making them a lot more productive.

Host A Crowdfunding Campaign On Your Website

Achieve Prodigious Output With These Clever Founder Tools
Achieve Prodigious Output With These Clever Founder Tools

Entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to raise capital. But with the decline of conventional lending, they have to get inventive. One recent trend we’ve seen is entrepreneurs going directly to their customers and simply asking them for money. In the past, they had to do it through some external crowdfunding website, but today, thanks to companies like Celery, the whole process has been transformed. Now it’s possible, using a single line of code, for any entrepreneurs to incorporate a crowdfunding campaign into their website, in a way that is similar to remarketing. You can give your business card to people, get them onto your site, and then prompt them to donate.

Protect Your Ideas

If you’ve got a great idea for a business, you need to discuss it with people. But how do you build a community of contact who you can trust?

Achieve Prodigious Output With These Clever Founder Tools
Achieve Prodigious Output With These Clever Founder Tools (FG photo)

Some companies are now developing apps, including Ideator, which help you to attract the people and the connection you need to make it happen. Applications like these allow entrepreneurs to host private circles and share only the information they want to be shared with certain people. In other words, this is a tool for businesses who are heavily dependent on intellectual property.

Build An App

Achieve Prodigious Output With These Clever Founder Tools
Achieve Prodigious Output With These Clever Founder Tools

Most entrepreneurs are aware of the existence of websites that allow amateurs – that is, people without programming skills – to create their own websites. Well, now companies such as Buildfire, want to do the same for apps. Apps have been growing in popularity over the last 18 months among businesses because of their uncanny ability to capture the market. Firms have found that they are able to get far higher rates of conversion if they use apps, rather than funneling people through their websites. They’ve also found that they’ve been able to get far higher levels of engagement, thanks to things like geotagging and smart suggestions.

Find A Name

Choosing a name for your startup can actually be a bit of an ordeal. Names that we all know and love, like Uber or Airbnb, didn’t just pop out of nowhere. They required hours of careful thought and consideration.

Now, though there are tools that will create company names for entrepreneurs who are struggling. These tools work by taking a set of “seed words” from the founder that capture the mood and the style of their startup. Then they run them through a bunch of AI (artificial intelligence) algorithms which find related words and phrases that complement the style of the business. At the other end of the process comes a list of possible matches for the founder to choose from. It’s that simple.

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