Banish Time-Wasting Processes from Your Business

Banish Time-Wasting Processes from Your Business
Banish Time-Wasting Processes from Your Business

When it comes to business and the business of making money, time cannot be wasted. An hour wasted on one task, when it could have been done in a quarter of the time, is 45 minutes that could have been spent on another money-making task. Every time an employee wastes 10 minutes in an hour being distracted by their phones, that could be add up to over an hour’s worth of salary that you are shedding out for with nothing in return. It is because of instances such as these that, if you are a business owner, time wasting should be one of the most important aspects of your business that you seek to eradicate each and every day.

Your first port of call should be to write out an overarching business plan, as well as smaller plans for each day, in order to make sure that not only your employees know what is expected of the outcomes of their work, but you know what is expected of yours. You plans should detail the objectives for the day or the task and give a time frame in which they are to be completed by. This will make sure that everybody involved has a metaphorical sand-timer in the back of their mind that is constantly counting down to the time when everything must be completed, thus eradicating the desire to procrastinate.

You should then seek to eradicate any instances of distractions that induce time wasting, such as smartphones and other technologies; the Ricoh Americas Corp. in a statement, have provided tips on how best to deal with the instances of distractions. These tips include: the acknowledgment of the issues or instances in the first place and making sure that all employees, even those that aren’t prone to distraction, know that you are aware of the problem; the implication of goals (such as those found in the business plans), and how they can be achieved even when worked around a managed use of anything that can be classed as a distraction for pleasure; and transforming the workplace into an environment that is stimulating enough to make everybody in it not want to grab for whatever it is that distracts them. Or if it is intact you yourself that is suffering from doses of procrastination throughout the working day, and thus wasting time, then you should seek to fight it swiftly before any more time is wasted.

But if it’s for completely opposite reasons that you’re wasting time, i.e. taking too much work on or attempting tasks that you or those around you aren’t skilled enough in, then this should be eradicated just as swiftly. For instance, if your business is suffering from an unwanted dose of technological turmoil, specifically IT issues, then you should seek help from professional services such as ATB-Tech, information on which can be found here:, in order to not only mean that the issues are rectified quickly, but that they are done so in a manner where no time is wasted. As previously mentioned, wasting time on trying to fix an issue yourself, especially when you have no clue how to do so, means that another task is not going to have enough time devoted to it, thus it may not be optimized or completed fully.

So, if you are a business owner — stop wasting time and eradicate time wasting now!

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