Apple Buys Faceshift

It is confirmed that Apple has acquired Faceshift, a company who developed a technology that creates 3D avatars or animated characters through analyzing the facial movements of an actor. Faceshift is the company behind the technology that Star Wars used to animate the faces of CGI (Computer-generated Imagery) characters.

It is uncertain what Apple is planning after the acquistion. A spokesman said: “Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.”

Speculation says that the acquistion could be part of an initiative form for Apple to launch a virtual-reality product in the near future.

Piers Harding-Rolls, an analyst and gaming specialist at IHS, told the BBC he did not believe the Faceshift purchase suggested a virtual reality endeavour.”This acquisition fits in with some of Apple’s most recent deals which have centred on machine learning and related technologies such as voice recognition, augmented reality and artificial
intelligence,” he said.

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