How To Take Amazing Photos For Social Media

It’s no wonder that social media is at the heart of many businesses marketing strategies. With a variety of platforms to reach a wider audience than ever before, more and more businesses are spending their time (and money) on social media. When it comes to building followers, engaging with customers, and creating a memorable brand presence, businesses need to know how to take great photos. This article is a guide to taking amazing photos for social media that convert viewers into customers!

Don’t just show the product.

One of the biggest mistakes a lot of new companies make when adding photos to social media is only showing the product, service, or software. They show screenshots or glossy images of the product itself, but they forget that these photos often don’t capture the viewer’s interest. It’s much more powerful to show the product in use. This helps consumers see how the product or service can be used in their everyday life, and they’re more likely to remember it later.

Incorporate your brand into the photo.

Branding means more than just sticking to a certain color scheme and range of fonts. You can even brand your businesses social media photos with a little thought. Consider the colors at play in your images, and try to incorporate your brand colors as much as possible. The goal here is to make your photos easily recognizable on a social media feed. When consumers are scrolling past quickly, you usually have less than a second to make a memorable impact.

Skip the filters!

A lot of new businesses try to include filters and extreme editing in their photos on social media because they think this will make them more appealing to clients and customers. This usually has the opposite effect. Filters can come across as unprofessional, and that’s not what your business should be presenting. Show that you know how to effectively edit photos for your business without harsh edits and filters. Don’t be afraid to use advanced editing technology like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop to bring your photos to the next level.

Most importantly, you should add value through photos.

Your business social media accounts should be about more than just pretty pictures and calls to action. You need to give viewers a reason to follow you, and more importantly, a reason to trust you. The easiest way to do this is simply by adding value. Include tips and tricks for incorporating your product, explain how your product is useful to the consumer, and make viewers excited for your posts. Think outside the box, whether that means writing out helpful tips on a Versachalk chalkboard or hosting a live event on Instagram. If you’re adding content, you’ll organically build your following and brand awareness!

Add text and graphics, but sparingly!

Sometimes, you can get away with having a little bit of fun with your business photos on social media. Incorporating text and graphics on your images can add a professional touch, and it can help get your ideas across quickly which is important when people scroll fast through their feed. While you should experiment with graphics and text, keep it simple. Going over the top can be overwhelming to viewers and might have the opposite effect.

Taking amazing photos for your businesses social media.

When you’re building your marketing campaign for your business, you can’t leave out social media. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, social media is incredibly important in the modern age. More people than ever are looking to social media to make their buying decisions which is why it’s essential your business is easy to access. Taking great photos for your businesses social media will help build brand awareness and increase trust in your brand!

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