Transit Elevated Bus to Ease China’s Traffic Congestion

If you think your country’s traffic is bad, then you haven’t been to China. The Asian country’s gridlocked traffic in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai is legendary.

To help address this problem and at the same time maximize road space, China’s top engineers have revealed plans for a new type of transportation at the 19th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo on Sunday.

The Transit Elevated Bus (TEB) is an electric-powered bus that will run on rails and elevated so it can operate high above the ground, allowing cards to drive underneath it. Think of it as a moving tunnel that drivers can pass under but one that will transport passengers from one station to another faster as it can bypass road traffic. Each bus is expected to seat up to 1,200 passengers.

Tests for the TEB will start in the second half of this year. The rigorous testing will reportedly take place in Qinhuangdao City, which is located in the northeast of China’s Hebei province.

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Camille Marie Marcon is a professional creative content writer who has worked for international companies from American to British to Australian and now Japanese. She has also worked as Freelance Marketing Consultant for a local startup in Cebu.