We could not be any happier to hear the good news that the country is bouncing back with the startup challenge this year. The department of Information and Communications Technology is the country’s leader on ICT related matters. It aims to progress in terms of Industry development, eGovernment, policy development, internet service and cybersecurity. ICT Director Mon Ibrahim said that albeit digital startups are still on the developing stage, there is an exceeding improvement on the way as there is an increase by more than 100% in the philippine startup ecosystem, most of them taking place outside the cities of Manila.
In fact yesterday, DICT and PSIA (Philippine Software Industry Association) announced the semi-finalists for the Philippine Startup Challenge (Software Track). “A selection committee of industry experts, startup founders, accelerators, and government representatives determined the semi-finalists.” Out of 146 candidates, only 21 teams were chosen in the semi-finals. Most of the entries are from universities and colleges from the Visayas and Mindanao region. The national finals will be on April. “The three winners in the national finals will receive funding and mentorship opportunities with industry partners.”
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