Twitch Announces Test Version of HTML5 Player

Twitch HTML 5 (photo from
Twitch HTML 5 (photo from

Video game live streaming platform Twitch has revealed that they already have a test version for the much anticipated HTML5 player. The new video player is still in closed beta but is expected to eventually replace the Adobe Flash player used by the site. For now, only users with Turbo subscriptions can try watching broadcasts with the new HTM5 player.

The old Flash player gained a bad reputation among viewers for its buffering and lag issues. With the new HTML5 player, these issues are expected to lessen. Viewers will get a smoother streaming experience with faster load times and a more consistent frame rate delivery compared to the old player. HTML5 is also known for taking up less CPU and battery life which will allow longer viewing sessions.

The full migration to HTML5 from Flash has been one of the most demanded features by the Twitch community. The company promised to deliver it a year ago at its TwitchCon conference and now has followed up with it.

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