Building An Online Business Using Your Spare Time

One of the biggest hurdles towards turning your dreams into reality is the lack of time. Many aspiring entrepreneurs wish to pursue their business goals, but they say their day jobs take a huge portion of their day. Entrepreneur Network partner Greg Rollett is hearing similar stories. Numerous individuals complain there isn’t enough time to create an online business if you have a regular job. However, what many of us do not know that we can maximize our spare time to accomplish more tasks each day. If you want to build your own online business but it seems like you don’t have enough time due to your day job, here’s how to juggle your time wisely to be an accomplished entrepreneur.

Morning Routine

You will be surprised how waking up earlier than usual can change your productivity. Simply by adding small tweaks on your morning routine, you will be able to make time for your online business. Start by waking up an hour or two earlier than the usual time. During this spare time, you can do a short exercise to boost your energy. After that, while having your breakfast you can work on your online business on the side. Use this time for writing a blog post, filming a video, or just organizing your goals for your business.

Your daily commute to work consumes a large portion of your day, too. An average commuter typically spends an hour traveling to and from their workplace. During this time, instead of making phone calls, browsing the net, or listening to music, you can have a conference call while driving. Dial the phone and reach out to your potential partners, or clients. If you commute via train or bus, you can spend the minutes on your way to work recording your modules for your online course. Use this window for productivity, and tick off the boxes in your to-do list for your internet biz.

Break Time

60 minutes is the typically allotted time for lunch breaks at work. During this spare time, you can accomplish a lot of tasks for your online business. Greg Rollett admitted he used to spend his lunch breaks eating his sandwich and chips, while completing his homeworks for his internet venture. During your lunch break, you can do it too. Instead of checking out updates on your social media, or chatting with your coworkers, you can use your 60 minutes eating while building your business. Send out emails, film a video, do a sketch of your business plans, while having your meals. Using your time wisely will result in creating the time you need towards fulfilling your entrepreneurial dreams.

After Work Routine

If you have big dreams and ambitious goals, you must know that productivity does not end when the office doors close. When you get home from work, you can allot an hour or two building your online business. It is your chance to send out emails, write blogs, film videos, contact potential clients, or talk with your business partners. You can do all these chores to be able to hit your entrepreneurial aims. You can spend up to three hours completing everything that needs to be done for your online business. However, you must not forget to balance your time between your family, self, and work. Make sure to also spend time with your wife and kids after work. Be present during your family dinner. Have a nice chat with your children. Watch movies with your partner after an evening meal. When you have accomplished your duties to your family, you can then proceed to working on your business.

The Start Of A Successful Niche Gym

“It’s not about having time. It’s about making time.” Time is an illusion, they say. If we really want something to happen, we create time for it. It doesn’t matter if we are living a hectic schedule on a daily basis. What counts is our effort to give time to things that matter the most. If you look closely, you will know that you have almost 5 hours of spare time, which you can use to build your business. Be aware of the time and learn to use it productively. In no time, you will be your own boss, and you will be able to live a successful entrepreneurial life.

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