Exhibiting This Year? Make Sure You Have An Exceptional Stand

Over the years, professional stand builders have built up a good deal of experience working on some incredible exhibition show spaces, be it collaborating with an agency or the end-user. They were able to create many unique and visually stimulating stand, each of which has been easy to reconfigure and install, and is sure to bring success (and visitors) to your exhibition experience. So, what does it take to create a “wow factor” exhibition stand? Let’s take a look below.

The Brief

Firstly, a good brief is important. When they turn up to your stand, you want your visitors to know why they are there and the key points you want to get across about your brand, business, products, or services. This doesn’t need to be complicated, just a few key points about why you are going to be at the exhibition can help with stand design.

Setting Targets

Don’t forget to set targets to measure your success. It may be how many visitors came to the stand, the leads acquired, or orders processed. Exhibition stand builders across the UK like Aspect Exhibitions can help build a stand that encourages leads and customers.

Do Follow Ups

A great exhibition stand will encourage leads. Once you have scanned those leads or collected their business cards, or even taken a query, be sure to follow up as soon as you can. And, if you don’t hear back the first few times, don’t give up. On average, 80% of prospects tend to say no before saying yes.

Practice Engagement Techniques

Try to think outside the box. Visitors may be cautious of stopping at your stand if you are going to stick them with a salesperson who just won’t let go or let them get a word in. If you’ve gone to the trouble to ensure you have a stunning stand, you need to have engagement techniques to go with it. Let visitors decide to engage with your brand. Offer food and drinks, seating areas, and other innovative spaces that act as a retreat.

How to Choose the Right Exhibition Space

It’s important that you exhibit in an area and space that is relevant for your audience as well as your budget. Use graphics to take your stand above others and grab attention. The right lighting will help to enhance your product displays and, importantly, remember not to overcrowd your stand with your own brand ambassadors or sales staff.

Modular stands, especially, can create incredible shapes that may change depending on the size of the space. Curved stands with infill panels or fabric can combine with illuminated signage to grab attendee’s attention, too.

When it comes to exhibiting, your stand easily blend into a sea of white vinyls, printed graphics, and other displays, but these may be irrelevant to your brand and business. Instead, choose a unique, visually appealing exhibition stand design that will reel in those customers and prospects and ensure you go home with a long list of leads.

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