Go From Basement To Penthouse In 3 Moves

Go From Basement To Penthouse In 3 Moves

It may be that you’ve had your business up and running for a couple of years and have managed to navigate the more tumultuous times of survival. It could be that you’ve only just launched but have found yourself way surpassing your predictions, your projections and even your hopes. Whatever the reasons for needing to work your way up, there are always new strategies that can help you succeed that little bit more and start to take control of your sector of the marketplace.

It could be that you are making a $1000 a month, or even $50,000- the figure is irrelevant. What matters is how you move to double that, triple it, quadruple it. That is where you want to be aiming, which is why you need to shift your focus to four critical areas that have proved to boost growth.

Value Your Customers

No one needs what you sell. That is a fact that could help change your entire perspective because, well, what you sell is either a luxury or it can be bought elsewhere. Once you accept this then you can grow. So, the focus you need to adopt is knowing how you can provide value to each of the lives of your customers or clients. Don’t think that you’ll ever achieve this either, because you should always strive to add more and more value, that way you will keep a strong customer base from which to build from. The more you value your customers and the more you show it – whether that be giveaways or loyalty points or exclusive access or discounts – the more you will be used and relied upon.


Never stay still. Never be happy with what you have. Always push to develop yourself, your employees and your business. It could be that you hire the right people to help you make a move into another sector. It could be that your take another look at your suppliers and start discussing ways in which you can increase your product line. Perhaps you’ll even speak to some office relocation specialists that can help you move to a more desirable location, whether it is a new store front in town or opening a showroom off the main drive. The more waves you make the more you’ll eat up the ground under your competition. Perception is reality, so you’ll competition will start to panic, your clients will start to talk and your employees will latch onto your proactivity.

Don’t Talk.

So you’ve survived the marketplace for a couple of years, that doesn’t mean you know everything. In fact, we urge you to drop any mentality that sees you focus on what you think to be right and what you think customers will like. This requires guessing and guessing equals risk. So take a step back and listen to what your customers want, listen to what the consumer market is saying and doing, and react to it. Always give your customers what they want. If they aren’t happy with something then do everything in your power to make them happy. It is that simple.

FG Editorial Team
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