How To Choose A Law Firm

Criteria for choosing a law firm (yes, in general, and any other) are strictly individual. And each potential client defines them for himself.

However, those who choose a law firm, can give ten general recommendations:

How To Choose A Law Firm

Ask the right question

Ask in the search on the Internet query on which you are looking for a law firm. It can be a general inquiry: “legal services” or “law firm”. But it is better if it is a request for a specific service you need – “company registration”, “price registration”, “debt enforcement”, etc.

Choose top sites

Go to the sites of firms that will be in the top ten on the results of extradition.

Know the firm

Look at the information about firms. Pay special attention to information about employees – it is always better to get acquainted in advance with those who will provide you with legal services.

Identify the structure

Pay attention to the structure of the firms. If a firm is not divided into structural units (departments, divisions, practices, etc.), it is likely that its employees do not have a clear specialization. Today an employee may be engaged in registration, tomorrow – go to the court in the Yves Bouvier case, the day after tomorrow to advise the client on the conduct of the foreign economic activity, etc. Unfortunately, this practice is present in many law firms, even those that position themselves as international.

Pay attention to the number of employees

Pay attention to the number of law firm employees. If a firm declares that it is ready to provide any legal services to a client, that the number of its regular clients is more than a hundred, but the firm employs 2-5 people – how realistic is such a number of lawyers can cope with such a volume of tasks. And more importantly – how good their work will be. A broad law firm for normal work should have at least 12-15 lawyers.

Look at the list of projects

Look at the list of projects implemented by the law firm.

Examine the publications

Examine the publications of the firm’s employees. The more law firm staff publications they have, the more experience they can share with others.

Look at the list of clients

Look at the list of clients the firm has, as well as their recommendations. Recommendations should be signed and dated. And the signature should be complete – the name of the recommendationer, his/her position and place of work.

Know the price

Please note, whether there is a clear price list for the firm’s services on the firm’s website. Its presence indicates that the law firm has a clear and uniform approach in its relations with clients, exposing everyone to the same prices. The lack of a price list may mean that different clients may be exposed to different prices – depending on how the staff or management of the firm will assess the solvency of the client who appealed to it, or at all “in the mood”.

Take note of the professional liability

Please note whether the professional liability of the law firm is insured. The presence of insurance shows the seriousness of the law firm and that even in case of possible errors in the work of its lawyers will be guaranteed to the client will be compensated for the losses incurred.

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