How to Design an Efficient Racking System For a Food Distribution Warehouse?

In the food industry, customer trust and satisfaction matter the most. Hence, food distributors need refined solutions for the storage of their products in a safe and well-managed facility. They need fully optimized warehouse racking systems that can increase storage density and improve access to the inventory.

Here are the factors that can help to design a sound system for optimization and efficiency:

Invest in the Best-Quality Pallets

A food distribution operation runs efficiently when you invest in high-quality pallets that can withstand any temperature. Choosing the best type of pallets can bring a huge difference in your bottom line as well. It ensures faster movement and improves productivity.

For frequent movement and smooth product circulation in pushback or gravity flow racking system, you need pallets that can protect your inventory. The selective pallet racks are the most versatile system with easy access, use of a forklift, and structural steel construction.

Use Automated Material Handling System

The inventory requirements in a food distribution warehouse may change over time. Hence, it is wise to invest in a properly designed layout that optimizes available space. In some warehouses, food inventory may need temperature-controlled storage leading to limitation of storage space.

This situation is where layout optimization becomes necessary to store the existing inventory and make adjustments for anticipated inventory growth. Rearrange your layout and upgrade your warehouse picking systems for increasing the density of storage racks and improve the product flow for faster order processing.

Here are some methods that may help:

Rethink the Aisle Width

To reconfigure inventory storage in your warehouse, you can redesign the width of the aisle for better storage density. With proper design and layout, storage capacity can increase by 50-60% in your facility. So, when you are at the maximum capacity in your warehouse, this can be the best option.

Expand Vertical Storage

To increase storage density without affecting the current layout, you can also consider the expansion of vertical storage in your warehouse. These racks can be added to any layout design to accommodate the changing requirements. It also facilitates the pick module modifications that combine dynamic and static storage. As a result, you’ll get optimal utilization of storage space.

Choose the Best Racking System

Mostly, food distribution warehouses need a climate-controlled storage facility to maintain the freshness and quality of the products. However, cold temperatures also bring many racking challenges. It affects the toughness of the racks.

In this regard, structural steel racking can be the best solution. It not only has better resistance to harsh climatic conditions but can also add durability to warehouse racking systems.

Optimize Available Spaces

A warehouse layout typically has designated areas for storage. However, you can expand any available space for additional racking systems. Think beyond the standard storage, freezer, and coolers. You can utilize spaces like docking areas for added storage through staging and unutilized pallets.

Use this area for storing and organizing materials that are not currently in use. For fully optimized warehouse racking, choose a company providing a wide selection of racking units along with complete services for layout, installation, permits, and CAD drawings.

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