How To Give Your Office Set Up That ‘Wow Factor’

The modern office has changed. The traditional cubicles and glaring fluorescent lighting have made way for office spaces that have a range of features and amenities to boost morale, productivity and employee happiness and wellbeing.

Bringing that wow factor to your office is not only going to boost your staff, it will also create a more welcoming and memorable environment for your clients and customers that visit your office space. But how do you get started?

This guide will provide some simple ways you can bring that wow factor to your office and enjoy the benefits that will result.

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Provide Great Coffee Options For Your Workers

Morning coffee is a must for most employees. This time of reflection, taking in energy boosts and enjoying a steaming cup of coffee often forms a crucial part of people’s routines.

At least some of your employees probably consume coffee daily, and they would appreciate having coffee beans for the office available at work. At present, 75 per cent of Australians drink coffee at least once a day, and 84 per cent of Australians purchase coffee from a shop.

On top of providing a much-needed caffeine boost, it has been proven that coffee increases productivity and motivation at the office during the day. That means that having high-end coffee machines available in the office is a great investment for improving productivity as well as employee satisfaction and happiness.

Splash Some Colour Into Your Office

White walls can appear clinical and cold, creating the impression that visitors and staff are waiting for a dental procedure or doctor’s appointment. A splash of colour on the walls will add some warmth and vibrancy to your office.

You need to remember, however, that the colour you select can set the mood. Your reception should be decorated in a serene shade, such as sage green or pale blue, to make your visitors feel at ease and relaxed.

It is simple for colours to have a profound impact on productivity simply by promoting positive feelings in employees. The natural-toned colours of greens and blues can boost focus and productivity while yellows can inspire optimism, creativity and new energy. Adding intensity to the décor with vibrant colours like red is a great way to boost physical activity and inspire passion.

Incorporate Mirrors Into Your Office Design

Residential room designs often feature mirrors as décor. While mirrors are popular among homeowners, they are often overlooked when it comes to designing a comfortable and productive workspace.

If you are looking for an affordable statement piece for your office design, a mirror can be a perfect choice. Intricate and ornate frames can be added to mirrors to add elegance and style, or mirrors can be shaped into unique shapes to create a sleek and modern appearance.

The use of mirrors for your business can provide some tangible benefits, in addition to their decorative value. By using mirrors in your office decor, you can reinforce brand recognition and help to generate the feelings you want your clients and customers to associate with your brand. Mirrors also provide a greater amount of light in a confined space thanks to their reflective properties. Mirrors can also help create the illusion of space in small offices.

Create Collaborative Workspaces

Working together in a collaborative environment brings people together. This results in fewer employees needing physical space to be accommodated individually. The result is reduced costs, maximisation of workspaces, and improved use of your available floor space.

Additionally, when employees work in the same immediate area, it’s easier for them to get to know one another and establish personal bonds.

Collaboration workspaces are also proven to boost employee productivity, agility, and flexibility. By working together, employees can accomplish tasks faster. Having a collaborative working environment improves problem-solving and productivity, allowing the business to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.

Being surrounded by productive coworkers is also a great source of inspiration and motivation. The desire to contribute and pull their weight, as well as demonstrate value as a team member, will drive many workers forward.

According to a recent study, workers who act collaboratively are more engaged, less fatigued, and have a higher success rate than their solitary counterparts.

Reduce Stress Levels With Greenery In The Office

In a study looking at the long-term effects of office plants, researchers examined office environments over several months and found greenery made employees more satisfied at work, increased their concentration levels, and improved air quality perception.

Biophilic design, which incorporates greenery into your office space, maintains that natural environments inspire different reactions in humans than urban ones. Our feelings of relaxation, tranquillity, and contentment are enhanced by them. Natural elements can also aid mental recovery and stress reductionmental recovery and stress reduction when placed in sterile environments.

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