How To Stay Organised When Expanding Your Business

Expanding a company is a dream for many; although stressful, it’s a sign that business is booming and going in the right direction. While it’s easy to get carried away with the next big step, it’s well worth pausing and taking the time to get organised.

Not only will this help you keep track of what part of the process you are in, but also prevent disruption to both your employees and customers. Follow our tips to keep organised when expanding your business to make that next step for your company a successful one.

Keep to a schedule

Before doing anything, make a schedule or checklist that includes everything you need to do and by when to ensure you’re on track. By doing so, you can be aware of and keep on top of issues as soon as they arise. Make sure the schedule is detailed, including the completion date, what you have to do and by when. Should any issues arise, make sure to amend all of the dates and write notes about the disruption. This way you won’t be lost in the process and will always know what step to take next.

Storage solutions

Do you need to move items from one-off to another, or perhaps you want to declutter before you start your expansion? Either way, a storage unit is a great way of holding onto essential items without cluttering up your new space. Safe, secure and easy to access, they’re the perfect holding point for equipment, paperwork and any other office essentials you may want to take to another space. It’s the perfect solution to preventing clutter from building up in your business space without having to throw out potentially important documents and technology.

Remote working

Whether you’re moving to a new office or heading to another location to train new workers, expansion can cause disturbances to your current employees. One of the easiest ways to prevent disruptions is to allow your employees to work from home if possible. By doing so, you can keep business running as usual and ensure that services aren’t thrown into disarray while you expand. There are a myriad of benefits to remote working, helping to reduce stress and distractions as well as improving company overheads. By using apps such as Slack to keep in touch with your employees and Google Documents to keep work contained in the same server, you can avoid them being disrupted while any changes to the business occur.

Keep customers in the loop

Now that your employees and office space are sorted, you may feel like you’re on top of everything. That’s well and good, but what about your customers? As much as you can try to prevent your customers from being affected, sometimes this can’t be helped – particularly if you have a physical move to make during your expansion. If you have to close the office for any reason or there’s a chance your typical services will be affected, make sure your clients are well aware in advance. It may be a good idea to send out a newsletter letting them know of any possible disruptions and changes to opening hours or services.

Keep the excitement going during your expansion by keeping organised and staying on top of any required tasks. By doing so, this big business move will be less likely to cause issues to your company, employees and client base.

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