How To Work With Clients

Who is your customer?

It is logical and understandable that you should know who your client is in order to build a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship with them. Customers are different. And only knowing their needs, you can build a system of relationships that will satisfy them and bring you profit.

But, of course, it is not about knowing everyone by sight, although it would be nice. The main thing is to analyze your target audience and segment it: select groups of potential customers similar in their needs, requirements and criteria. Even better, if you work through several typical representatives of the target group or profiles of a typical customer.

This is especially important at the marketing stage.

Attract More Customers In 3 Sure Fire Steps

What paths the customer takes

It’s just as important to understand the customer’s path from the first point of contact with you to making a deal. If you analyze these paths, the probability of a deal will be higher.

There is a “sales funnel”. Or funnels – there can be several of them. By understanding the movement of potential customers through these funnels and the connection between all of these funnels, you can absolutely better align your work with your customers. And not only customer service, but business in general and marketing in particular, and customer service as a bonus.

How you process requests and orders

You must have a unified order of processing requests and appeals from customers (lead management). Each lead (request or application on the site, by phone, in a messenger, by mail) should get into a single system of data collection, so that they can be further easily managed.

There are online CRM (client relationship management) solutions ready and I recommend you use them. But if you have another solution that suits you better, no problem, do as you please.

You should also develop algorithms or regulations for communicating with customers for different communication channels. You can develop ready-made speeches, sales scripts. But to be honest, I’m against such scripts. I do not believe in ready-made scripts, but in the structure of these scripts, in the scheme of the conversation. That way, the client may think he’s talking to a robot.

It is worthwhile just describing the structure and the possible scenarios of the conversation, with tips on how to react in this or that situation. Plus, there can be separate answers to typical objections. And still find a competent manager who can handle it. This, of course, is more complicated than just reading from a piece of paper, but we are talking about building a system of client relationships, and clients want to deal with people, not robots.

How you make deals

Here, the skill of your sales managers or yourself comes to the fore. But, of course, the quality of the product, the attractiveness of the offer and working conditions, the price, the reputation of the company, etc. To always be in the black, try using paystub generator calculator. This is a convenient system that many people use to count money down to the smallest detail. Here, the money that comes to you already in its pure form, the money that is withdrawn for taxes, as well as other expenses are considered.

In any case, you need to systematize the sales process, to develop a single algorithm of work, but at the same time flexible. The sales process is often difficult to separate from the process of processing requests (sometimes they are inseparable matters), so you should consider them in conjunction and develop a single regulation for these two phases.

How do you interact with customers

Before, during, and after the transaction, you and the client will interact in some way. This includes things like:

  • Agreements and commitments: deadlines, sequencing, contact persons;
  • Communications and communication: where, how, when;
  • Legal issues: documents, contracts, agreements, offer;
  • Document management system: exchange of documents.

It’s not bad if you already have all of this in place. True, here it will still be necessary to be guided by the client, what they are comfortable with and what their preferences are, but this is just called an arrangement.

What to do next

First, the client base should be valued, it should be collected and stored. Let you always have it – you never know when you can activate it. Suppose you develop a new service, and offer it to all your old customers.

But it’s better to work with it. Not with a document that has a list of clients, but with the people on the list. There are several ways you can keep in touch and keep them interested in your services after the previous deal is complete. Especially if your business deals with products of daily use. But not only that, you can do just about anything! Use email marketing, social media, perhaps a dedicated customer support platform and keep them interested in you. It’s a lot of work, of course, but no more than attracting new customers.

Everything just needs to be systematized, regulated, and implemented. That’s the whole point. Customer relationship management, too. It’s a lot of work, but you want to build a real business.

Look for new customers whenever there is such an opportunity

Absolutely all points of contact with the client. Of course, you have to be careful – in some situations you don’t have to be intrusive, you just have to nudge the decision to stop by. Direct advertising doesn’t always work, and it won’t always attract customers. Sometimes it will even push them away.

But still, I’ll say it again – at any point of contact with a customer, you have to make yourself known. Direct advertising, trying to sell now, or just try to be remembered – this is a more subtle matter, and depends on the situation. But do not miss the moment – that’s what matters. There may not be another chance.

Contact with the customer – it’s business cards, and letterheads that you leave after the order, it’s a brochure along with the shipped goods, and a promo code on the website when ordering, etc. I mean, there are plenty of ways to stay in contact with a customer without looking them in the eye.

Of course, you can’t be careless about those moments when you have direct contact with the customer. Not you personally, but any of your employees. Everywhere you can attract something, interest in additional goods, offer your services… Again, the subtleties of the approach in each specific situation must be sorted out by yourself.

Secrets of selling advertising

  • • The five-second rule we are talking about the fact that advertising must catch the potential buyer for 5 seconds, no longer. If this does not happen, it greatly increases the chances that he will simply leave the site, close the directory, leave the advertising board, etc. You have only 5 seconds – come up with what you “force” someone to spend longer on your ads.
  • • The language of the text of the advertisement should be understandable to the reader, necessarily. The simple user of the technical characteristics of your product can absolutely nothing to say. No matter how amazing they are in fact. Write an advertising text for the average reader, not for experts in the field. This mistake is repeated all the time, honestly.
  • • Write an attractive title, compelling words, and distinctive benefits.

Accordingly, there are many opportunities, and you need to figure out where the most of your potential customers are. The main thing is to define your target audience and their needs as accurately as possible. This is the foundation. Otherwise you will always be overpaying.

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