Important Topics You Should Include in Employee Safety and Security Training Programs

Employee security and safety: It’s something we recognize as essential but often overlooked. Security and safety are two of the most critical aspects applicants look for in an ideal workplace. It is the responsibility of employers to provide a safe and secure working environment to their employees. That’s why security systems, such as CCTV, alarms, sensors, and commercial door security bars, should be in place to monitor daily business operations.

To ensure effective security and safety practices in the workplace, employers and their staff should work together in their efforts to prevent or eliminate threats to personnel, physical assets, intellectual property, and other elements surrounding the work environment. With that in mind, here are essential topics you should include in your employee safety and security program.

Workplace ergonomics

Sitting in the office chair for at least eight hours a day is no easy feat. While the risks of accidents in the office are relatively fewer compared to construction sites, ergonomic-related injuries can cost the business a lot of money in terms of lost productivity and compensation claims.

The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Act reveals that the annual cost of workplace-related injuries is over 45 billion dollars each year. The most common injuries in the office include sprain, strain, hernia, and inflammation.

Health resources

One of the most proactive initiatives employers can take is outlining employee resources for physical, mental, and wellbeing. Employee health resources are not just about giving out pamphlets about substance abuse or providing a whole day of health training. Today, employers should make efforts to support employees in whatever challenges they encounter. For example, employers can partner with agencies that use a substance abuse treatment planner software. This aids in treatment and recovery planning through efficient data management.

If your company offers a mental wellness program, make sure to outline its benefits and how employees can join the program. You can also provide workplace fitness incentives or physical fundraisers.

Equipment safety

Equipment safety training is still a must even if workers have the right experience and skills for the job. Coaching or on-the-job experience won’t be enough because employees need a strong familiarization of using high-risk machinery.

The scope of equipment safety depends on the business you’re operating. Be sure to consider every piece of equipment or machinery employees will be working with. Also, make sure you’re providing complete sets of personal protective equipment (PPE), especially for employees working in high-risk environments or complex equipment.

Violence prevention

According to the FBI, millions of employees have suffered from workplace violence every year. This includes shooting incidents happening within the workplace.

Women are often the main target of workplace violence in which they are either attacked or harassed. In fact, homicide is the major cause of mortality for women employees.

For this reason, safety training should include strategies to prevent workplace violence, including identifying potential risk factors of domestic violence across the workplace.


The majority of our work lives happen in the digital world. While safety training rarely includes online security, it’s a vital part of every training program.

The main purpose of cybersecurity training is to educate employees on how to reduce risks that potentially lead to hacking, data breaches, and other cybersecurity threats. They will also learn about online etiquette and the right practices to secure company information and customer data. It should also cover topics such as standardized passwords, authentication procedures, and phishing attacks.

Fire safety

If there’s one safety aspect that businesses often overlook, it would be fire safety practices.

Employee safety training should discuss building egress in times of fire. The last thing you want is to see your employees putting off fires. Educate them on how to avoid fire hazards in the workplace and report fire incidents. Also, make sure to include proper usage of fire extinguishers in the training.

Environmental safety

Environmental safety isn’t just about taking care of the planet’s natural resources. It also includes eco-friendly strategies depending on the industry you’re in.

For example, if you’re running a manufacturing business, the topics of your environmental safety training should include safe lifting, electrical safety, material storage, waste disposal, and overall office safety.

The more the company handles toxic materials and substances, the more critical environmental safety training will be. If done well, this will ensure the safety of workers against hazardous wastes and other biohazards.

With so many things to juggle in a business, it’s easy for employers to overlook the value of the safety and security of their employees. Believe it or not, the state of workplace safety directly affects a business’s bottom line. In this case, no matter the type and size of your company, your employees’ welfare should always be at the top of your list.

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