Imposter Syndrome is a difficult and painful disorder, one often felt by people who have struggled with self-esteem or personal confidence issues all their lives. People who suffer from this syndrome may intellectually understand that their self-defeating beliefs are ridiculous, but that doesn’t stop them from believing that they aren’t worthy of their position in the business world. Thankfully, there are ways to overcome imposter syndrome.

What is Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome is likely something that you may be familiar with, even if you have never actually given it a name. In essence, Imposter Syndrome is the idea that none of us really belong in the environment we are in. You feel as if you are a fraud and forcibly removed from whatever circumstance you are in.
In a business context, this often happens to someone whose career has accelerated beyond that of their peers. It is also particularly prevalent amongst typically minority demographics who may be one of the only members of their race, gender, age group, or sexual orientation that is present in an area.
Imposter Syndrome is more than just a lack of self-confidence. It is a real disorder that can be devastating to one’s career and mental health. It can make a person question their decisions, seek out less help, add to occupational-related stress, and be more likely to leave a career.
How Imposter Syndrome Can Be Defeated
Thankfully, as this outstanding blog entry by Kajabi shows, there are many ways of dealing with imposter syndrome, and particularly dealing with it when it comes to a business context. Kajabi has identified eight specific strategies to help you overcome Imposter Syndrome.
First, and perhaps most importantly: Find a friend, family member, or business mentor to confide in. Having someone to use as a sounding board can be an invaluable help when it comes to dealing with your issues. According to the information assembled by Kajabi, the overwhelming majority of people who spoke with someone about their issues felt better afterward.
Second, give yourself an honest SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis, which looks at your personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats – can help you identify all the things you do right and the various areas that you can improve upon. This can be a great way of realistically addressing your challenges and celebrating your various successes, and SWOT analysis can be a great way to rationally address who you are. It can also lead to you thinking critically about the things in your life that you do well, and this, in turn, can boost your confidence.
The blog entry makes some fantastic points, but arguably the most important one is this: There is no bulletproof strategy to address Imposter Syndrome. Time, expertise, the advice of mentors, and experience are all necessary in order for you to address these challenges. Give yourself space and the opportunity to grow, and odds are good you will do just that.