Making Your Office Look More Personal

If you have started your own business this year and are looking for ways to make your office more personal, there are plenty of fun things you can do. If you want your employees to feel more like a family in your workspace this year you need to add some personal touches and make it truly feel like a team working space.

Your branding

Make sure that you instill that sense of teamwork all over the workplace by adding plenty of company colours alongside your logo in key areas. You can hang signs in the foyer of the office to introduce your brand and remind everyone of the team they are working for. It will add some colour and fun to the space.


If you ever want to make a space feel more personal the first thing you will want to do is add some photographs to make it fun. You can have photographs of your team all over the workplace to really make it feel like a home from home for everyone in the building. Make sure you take lots of images during team building days and even out to lunch at the end of the month. You can even hang up images from weddings, birthdays and other major events in your employees’ lives. This will help everyone get to know each other and feel at home.

A wall collage

If you have a large blank wall in the centre of the office which is not being used for anything, you can make it more fun and lively by adding some art into the space. Send out an email to everyone in the building and tell them to source a piece of art they live. It could be a work they have made themselves, it could be a photograph or it could even be a movie poster. Let every member of the team pick a piece of art and then ask them to bring it into the office. Spend the afternoon hanging up every piece of art on the blank wall to make a huge collage for the office. It will add some fun and colour and also make everyone feel involved in the office decor. You can then use these different art pieces as a talking point with your employees.

Windows and plants

If you want your office to be a positive working environment for everyone inside, you will want to make sure that you have plenty of natural light and also plenty of life in the space. Plants can be a fun project for your team to look after and it can also reduce stress in the space. Floor to ceiling windows can bring some stunning light into the space as well as allow your employees to enjoy the sun during the day. This will greatly improve the morale of everyone in your office and will stop them from feeling closed in and miserable during the summer. The productivity of the team overall will increase by a ton!

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