Nancy Etz Helps College Women Discover Empowering Scholarships

Young women need to hear messages of empowerment in order to fully realize their careers and their independence. Targeted college scholarships can help to give women an extra funding source and encourage them to pursue studies in business and other lucrative fields.

It can be difficult to find reputable scholarship offers online. These 12 scholarships shared by Nancy Etz are legitimate and offer students exciting opportunities.

Nancy Etz scholarship, women scholarship

1. Nancy Etz Scholarship

This scholarship is intended to recognize outstanding students in any field of study. It is offered to students who are currently enrolled at the graduate or undergraduate level on a full-time basis. This $1,000 scholarship helps to empower female students.
Students must write a 500-word essay answering the following prompt: “Discuss a special attribute or accomplishment that sets you apart.” The deadline to apply is February 1, 2021.

2. Women’s Empowerment Scholarship

This scholarship was created to help women in New England realize their educational opportunities and lead them toward exciting careers. Several winners are awarded each year, in fields as diverse as business, engineering, and finance. Applications for the 2021-22 academic year will begin later next year.

3. Young Women’s Empowerment Scholarship

The Spiggle Law Firm sees every day how young women come under discrimination and have their opportunities diminished. Whether they are paid unequally, subjected to sexual harassment, or experience the “glass ceiling,” women need help to conquer these circumstances. The Spiggle Law Firm created the Young Women’s Empowerment Scholarship for this reason. This $1,000 award requires a 3.0 GPA and a 1,000-word essay explaining how they themselves have helped to empower women in their communities.

4. Lehner Women Empowering Women Scholarship

This $500 scholarship is intended for women who reside in Dearborn County, Indiana. It provides funding for women, particularly non-traditional college students, who have not had the opportunity to pursue higher education.

5. American Association of University Women

The AAUW offers multiple scholarships targeted at different demographics and fields of study. Most opportunities are at the graduate level. Students are encouraged to take time to complete their dissertations for advanced degrees or to take postdoctoral research leave fellowships.

6. Dodell Women’s Empowerment Scholarship

This highly competitive $1,000 scholarship is available to women ages 25 and older who are re-entering or continuing their education with the goal of learning a marketable skill. Women must live in the California counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, or Ventura. Students must submit a recommendation letter, application form, personal statement, official transcript, and verification of enrollment.

7. Reveka Rose Scholarship

The women-owned company Reveka Rose offers a $1,000 scholarship to would-be female entrepreneurs. Applicants need to write a 1,500 to 2,000 word essay on the topics of the challenges faced by the female entrepreneur, the ability of a female entrepreneur to succeed in the market, and the presence of empowered women in the local community.

8. Zonta International Women in Business Scholarship

The Zonta Club awards 32 regional scholarships each year at $2,000 and six international scholarships with a value of $8,000. These scholarships are intended to support women’s pursuit of master’s or undergraduate degrees in business management. The goal of the program is to increase the proportion of women occupying leadership positions in business. The application period is January through March.

9. C200 Scholar Awards

This program has given out $1.68 million in scholarship funds to more than 13,000 students. This program aspires to support and advance all women who are interested in business. Scholarships can be for as much as $10,000. Students must be enrolled in MBA programs and demonstrate outstanding potential for leadership, integrity, and community spirit.

10. Fresh Start Scholarship

This program is intended to financially support Delaware women who want to continue with their education after a pause. In addition to the scholarship funds, students are also given the opportunity to work with a mentor on networking and career development. Students must be Delaware residents, at least 20 years old with a high school diploma. The award varies between several levels of financial support.

11. Women’s Enterprise Foundation Scholarships

These scholarships are granted to budding female entrepreneurs in greater Phoenix, Arizona. Applicants need to own at least 51% of their business and to have been operating as a business entity for at least one year. The award may be up to $2,500.

12. Tobi Cares Scholarship

Tobi is a popular online clothing company based in Los Angeles. The company chooses one recipient each year for a $1,000 scholarship intended to help with tuition expenses. Rising freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible at the undergraduate level.

Giving Women the Tools to Succeed

These 12 empowerment-focused scholarships will help women understand how they can meet today’s challenges. Having scholarships means that young women can reduce the loans they may need to take out, leading to better financial circumstances later in life. Nancy Etz believes that all women have the capacity to achieve great things.

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