Should You Offer a Mentoring Program in Your Workplace?

In order to make a workplace productive, you need employees who are not only skilled, but also have the initiative and drive to help the company succeed. The initiative and drive are things that are partly in their control, but it’s also something that you – the business owner – can contribute to. You can make the workplace a pleasant one to be in, provide them with the necessary equipment and tools to perform their job with ease, show appreciation to them for all their hard work, offer incentives, and plenty more.

One route you may also want to take is to look into a mentoring program at work. Mentoring programs in the workplace are becoming more mainstream as of late, and for good reason. So, is this something your company would benefit from, and should you in fact offer one to your employees? Here’s a look at the benefits attached to mentoring programs in the workplace.

It Can Be Targeted So It Works for All Departments

One of the greatest things about mentoring programs is how flexible they are. You can literally find a mentor for each department of your business, no matter the position of the employee. Mentoring can be just as effective for those entry-level employees as those seasoned staff members who may be lacking a bit of a spark and need to be re-energized.

It Can Target Specific Issues and Challenges

At the same time, a mentoring program can target some very specific issues and challenges in your workplace. Maybe a big issue in your company is a lack of leadership skills, or perhaps it is a lack of communications skills. A mentor can address these issues, set goals, and help employees to find the way to achieve those goals.

It Shows Employees That They Are Valued

Providing employees with mentors’ who are there to lift them up, offer encouragement, and confidence also shows that you as an employee are prepared to invest in their future. It shows the employees are valued and appreciated by you. Showing that you value your employees goes a long way in terms of staff productivity.

It Can Be Its Own Incentive Program

Because the rewards of having a mentor can be so great, this program can even be its own incentive. Employees will see that a private mentorship will only benefit them as a worker and person in general, which will make them that much more effective. If they have hopes of climbing the career ladder in the company, a mentorship can help give them the confidence, drive, and blueprint to follow through.

Be Sure to Track the Results

As a final note, you will also want to be sure you track the results on the mentoring program, or your return on investment. If results are better than you anticipated, then it shows the program is working and you may even want to expand upon it and bring in more mentors.

A mentoring program in the workplace can be a true game changer when done right.

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