Amazon Gets Approval for Drone Test in U.K.

Shop online. Place an order. Get your item delivered within the day. Sounds familiar? Well, imagine it this time with a robotic flying machine landing on your doorstep with your …

Metro Retail to Expand in Negros Oriental

Metro Retail Stores Group Inc. said it has signed a 25-year lease agreement with the local government of Bais, Negros Oriental for the use of a building which it plans …

Shell to Debut with Record-Breaking IPO

After a long delay in its anticipated public listing, Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp. (Shell) is pushing through with its entry in the Phil Stock Exchange with what could probably the …

How Cebu Creates a Tastier Future

If one seeks to truly understand the richness and the depth of the Cebuano culture, he/she must take an authentic Cebuano gastronomical adventure. For decades, Cebu has been known for …

Research Shows Complex Jobs Help Prevent Alzheimer’s

Last Sunday at the Alzheimer’s Association’s International Conference held in Toronto, it was revealed that any job which requires critical thinking and social interaction helps prevent the emergence of Alzheimer’s …