GERI Profit Surge Fueled by Real Estate Sales

Global-Estate Resorts, Inc., otherwise known as GERI, has benefited from record real estate sales. The subsidiary of Megaworld Corp. increased its net profit by a yearly 39% to P667 million …

VMC Earnings Rose by 4% in First Half

Victorias Milling Co., Inc. saw a 4% increase in revenue for the fiscal year’s first half. The rise is speculated to be on the back of greater raw sugar revenues. …

Botlist, Bots App Store, Has Just Launched!

Botlist is a third-party database of all the bots that are currently available across different platforms including web, SMS, email, mobile, apps and more. According to reports, the developed apps …

Discovery World Pouring P730M in El Nido Resort

The development of Discovery World’s third tourism estate started last Tuesday. This started in order to take advantage of the country’s growing tourism industry. Around P730 million will be invested …

Yahoo: Officially for Sale

Yahoo! CEO Marissa Myer delivers keynote during the Yahoo Mobile Developers Conference on Feb 18,2016 at The Masonic in San Fransisco, California. “Today, we’re announcing a strategic plan that we …