44 Extremely Profitable Small Business Ideas

Are you tired of making somebody else rich? Do you feel hopelessly stuck at your current job? Well, how about you take things into your own hands and make a life changing move? If you have a unique set of skills or a piece of equipment, or some savings that you can safely invest, then you can start a business of your own. And this means that you will be winning money for yourself.

If you have no idea where to start from, then we have a few suggestions for you. They are actually 42 to be exact, and as you probably already know, this number is the answer to everything. Here are 42 profitable small business ideas that you can use.

#1 DropShipping Business

Drop shipping is taking over the world by storm, if you’ve ever wanted to make money online, you must’ve heard all those success stories of people simply ordering products from AliExpress or eBay and then selling these products on their online stores for a profit. No technical skills? No problem. It has never been easier to start your own eCommerce business, with the help of eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, Volusion, Wix, BigCommerce or WooCommerce anyone can start selling online in minutes. SupplyGem provides free guides on how to begin selling online, so if eCommerce has sparked an interest and you’re ready to change your life for the better – visit their website to learn more now.

#2 Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is not new, in fact it began in 1989 when William J. Tobbin implemented the idea for his company which sold flowers and gifts. The business model has been growing and improving ever since. Just imagine if you were able to make money by writing about the things you like, such as traveling, or the latest gadget you’ve bought. You can, register for an affiliate programme that promotes hotels and while writing your travel diary, don’t forget to mention the name of the hotel that you stayed in. Link the hotel name with the one through your affiliate programme and if anyone books the hotel – you’ll receive a commission. The same applies with gadgets or any other items. All large eCommerce websites have an affiliate programme (e.g. Amazon), you can simply link the product you’re reviewing with the one on Amazon and if anyone purchases it through your link – you’ll receive a commission.

#3. Accounting

If you already have this professional qualification, then you can start local, from the comfort of your home. Local businesses in your area might find it useful to have an accountant just a block away. If you are able to market yourself properly to those around you, then you can start with simple things such as bookkeeping.

#4. Man with a Van

If you have a van, then you could be both delivering things and moving homes. You can operate locally and around school campuses where there are students who are constantly moving in and out. Also, as a lone wolf, you will have the advantage against bigger companies who often inflate their rates.

#5. Sandwich Bar

Do you love cooking? Well, then you can fight hunger by making delicious sandwiches for those in a hurry. Now, it doesn’t take Gordon Ramsay’s super-chef skills to make a sandwich but you can be clever about it and perhaps look at a few interesting recipes online. The secret to good sandwiches often lies in custom-made sauces that give amazing flavours to all the ingredients.

#6. Commercial Kitchen + Fast Food Delivery

Here’s the thing: even if the economy is going down the toilet, people need to eat. And some of them will order their food in odd hours of the day and night. That’s where you come in. You can run a commercial kitchen and deliver the food to your hungry clients. This business would be far more costly and demanding since you’ll need a place where the food is prepared, a dedicated staff, and a vehicle to drop deliveries around.

#7. Professional Gardening


Gardening is quickly becoming the new fad hobby just as cooking rose in popularity over the course of the last 15 years through television. And here in the UK, professional gardeners have work even during the cold months of the year. All you need to start a gardening business is some experience, basic gardening tools, and a vehicle – then you can go from property to property and take care of the busy owners’ gardens and green spaces.

#8. Online Businesses

Some entertain the idea of working from home. And it has never been easier! You could be selling stuff online, or even make profits off advertising. If you are a niche expert, you can create and sell online video courses, training videos, and how-to guides. Are you particularly interested in some topic or do you have an unusual hobby? Then you can easily blog about the things you care about. By putting out great content, you will be able to attract the attention of others with similar interests which means you will be able to make more money by advertising on your website or YouTube channel.

#9. Catering Businesses

Managing a small catering company from your home or a small office can be both convenient and profitable. Many events are often in need of such services and you can operate on a local scale until word spreads and you start to expand. The only requirement is to get a safety and hygiene certificate from your local authority.

#10. Car Wash

You will be surprised by the number of new car washing businesses that are set in really unusual places such as church car parks or “somebody’s old garage.” All you need is the money to rent a place, access to water, and the proper equipment such as jet washers and detergents.

#11. eBay

Are you particularly good at creating/crafting something? Then you don’t have to open an actual shop to sell your merchandise. You can do it all online by using eBay. Shipping and returns are the usual concerns but those things are easily manageable and the best part is that clients all over the world have 24-hour access to your “shop.”

#12. Recruitment

The job market isn’t what it used to be but there are companies and organisations that are constantly recruiting new personnel. If you have a particularly good understanding of certain infrastructures and niches, then you could be the next big thing in recruitment.

#13. Consultancy


You will be surprised to find out just how many businesses are run with very little to no understanding of certain aspects of marketing. If you are an experienced marketer, then you can help others promote their businesses with your superior knowledge.

To create and send legally sound contracts in minutes, a consultant contract template from Indy app will help to proceed a legal process between you and your clients.

#14. Clothes Shop

Is designing and making clothes your thing? Then you can sell your clothes online until you have enough funds to open a place of your own. Just make sure that your businesses is sustainable and you have enough resources to survive the first few months.

#15. Personal Trainer

If fitness is among your key interests, then perhaps there are a few couch potatoes out there who could use your help. Statistics reveal that there has been a significant increase in gym memberships in the UK over the past five years – almost 60%. All you need to do is to get the proper certification and you could be helping people with weight loss and building lots of lean muscle. Educating yourself in nutrition will help a great deal, too. The website nutritionfacts.оrg is ran by physician and New York Times bestselling author doctor Michael Greger and is often credited as one of the best places to start with.

#16. Dating Agency/Network

People fail in many things and marriage is one of them. The divorce rates in recent years have sky-rocketed and the social time of hard-working individuals has reached an all-time low. So this opens up the opportunity for you to make some money off people’s yearning for love and happiness. Starting a dating agency may prove to be a gold mine as well as a great source for a semi-autobiographical novel.

#17. Florists

No matter the occasion, be it happy or mournful, flowers are always a nice addition. If your hobby is gardening, then why not make some money out of it? You can open a local florists and supply your community with beautiful plants and flowers.

#18. Dog Walking

If you’re an animal lover, and don’t mind doing some cardio, then there are plenty of dog owners out there who could use some help. Of course, this means that sometimes you’ll have to get up early for an appointment but how many people can say that their workday is a walk in the park?

#19. Travel Agency

The travel industry is now back on track after the economy has stabilised. And many Brits lust for some time in the sun, with a drink in hand. Becoming a travel agent might be your thing but you have to make sure to stay updates on the latest travel destination trends.

#20 Gift Shop

The best place for a gift shop is somewhere popular, possibly near a famous cultural or historical landmark. The best part is you can get away with the cheapest stuff because you have unlimited traffic of visitors from all over the world who are looking for affordable souvenirs for friends and family waiting back home.

#21. Hotel

Even if your only selling point is a roof, a bed, and a shared bathroom, clientèle will seep down your way as long as the location of your hotel is convenient. After all, every traveller needs to rest their head and backpack somewhere.

#22. Antiques Business


The majority of people interested in quality antiques are very affluent. Sure, this is definitely a time-consuming sector but the rewards may exceed your expectations. Also, antiques have no expiration date and become more valuable with time.

#23. Photography Business

Don’t be lured by the idea that you’ll be taking magazine cover photos of half-naked models. Nowadays, every other average Joe with an iPhone thinks they’re a photography wizard. Most photographers start from the very bottom which often means shooting weddings and birthdays. However, if you have a real talent for it, then you’ll surely be recognised along the way – it comes with the territory.

#24. Hairdresser

Cutting hair isn’t all that hard. You just have to learn the basics. Setting shop isn’t all that hard either as long as you have the funds to back it up until business gets a steady momentum. The real questions is are you willing to learn more and grow as a professional? Anyone can learn to cut hair but it takes dedication and love to make art out of it.

#25. Landscaping

Most young professionals are realising just how miserable they are stuck in a little office 40 hours a week. If you want to be out there, enjoying the fresh air and feeling the wind in your hair, then landscaping might be your thing. Recent gardening incentives have increased the worth of this industry significantly in recent years. Statistics reveal it has reached about £3 billion a year per year.

#26. Restaurant

Are you a good cook? Or particularly interested in some cuisine? You don’t have go through a reality show with Gordon Ramsay shouting profanities just inches from your face to become a reputable chef. Sure, you can open an eating place without being a chef but you increase your chances of success by becoming part of the staff yourself.

#27. Babysitting

This is probably one of the oldest professions there is. Look after someone else’s offspring and make some cash on the side. However, you will have to forgo some of your week nights.

#28. Bed and Breakfast

If you live near some place of interested, and if you have a room to spare, then you can be a beacon of hope for some weary travellers who would like to poke around your area. Also, there are a lot of online networks you can join to promote your new endeavour.

#29. Biscuit & Sweets Making

Do you have a thing for baking? You can make great sells with home-made confectionery and biscuits. The first thing you to do is to learn how to bake and package them properly. Then you need to find a place that would be interested to resell your items – it can be a local café or some gift shop for example.

#30. Cake Making & Decorating


Now, what about if you enjoy both baking and being artistic. Well, making cakes can present a wonderful way to express yourself. And it can also earn you a lot of money. However, making cakes – be they raw or baked – is a science it itself.

#31. Car Cleaning

Are you one of those obsessive-compulsive cleaners who love to make things even shinier? Well, there are a billion vehicles out there that need somebody to scrub them to perfection. This can be a great way for you make some money on the side.

#32. Computer Repairs

We live in the era of technology but there are many people who still have no clue of the inner workings of a computer. And that’s where you come in. If you know how to make things just “click” right, then you could be helping all those gullible folks who think their computer will blow up if they do something to it.

#33. Cosmetics Sales

A big part of selling make-up and lotions is being social. Needless to say, this job is definitely more suitable for females. After all, men rarely, if at all, resort to make-up. Also, this is a networking thing which means you have to be quite the social butterfly to be successful with this.

#34. Data Entry

This is not the most exciting job out there but this can become a very steady source of extra income for you. However, you need to know that you will be paid by the number of entries you make instead by the hour which means you can easily juggle this job with another.

#35. Preparing Dinner

There are housewives who get tired of all the cooking and cleaning they do. So you could take their place a couple of times per week to earn a little extra cash. Taking care of the cooking and cleaning that is, not being somebody’s wife. This way the family you are catering to will have more quality time together.

#36. Become a DJ

Well, it’s a no brainer that Djing requires a deep love and somewhat understanding of music. Also, it would definitely help if you are a party animal. Also, you need to have an abundant collection of legally obtained tunes. From here on, is all about finding clubs where you can play. Also, if word spreads around, you can start Djing at some private parties. To make things professional and legal, a wedding dj contract is a must to protect you and your clients.

#37. Become a doula

Are you an experienced parent who knows a thing or two about birth and newborn babies? Then you can become a doula – helping new mothers with taking care of their baby can be very profitable for you. All you need to do is things that their sister or mother would do for them. You can go through a comprehensive training here ritishdoulas.co.uk.

#38. Handyman Services


Do you know the names of the instruments in a toolbox and how to repair stuff using them? Then perhaps you could start your very own handyman business. Usually, handymen are paid by the hour and their rates can vary. But in all cases, their schedules remain busy as their skills are valued and in demand. All you need is some basic tools and instruments, a steady hand, and a reliable vehicle to zip around the areas in the capital where you will be most active. Also, keep in mind you can partner up with a famous London handyman and take advantage of their franchising opportunities. This means they will be sending clients your way for a percentage (or fixed sum) of your winnings.

#39. Market Research

Wouldn’t it be great just to get paid for your opinion? Because that’s exactly what you can do by signing up on sarosresearch.com and participating in focus groups. All you need to do is share your opinion of products or services, or to be the one who is asking the questions. The idea is to simulate an environment where the mindset of clients is better understood.

#40. Rent Out Stuff

Today you can rent pretty much anything. Keep in mind space remains at the top position. However, if you live somewhere popular, you can rent out your parking space for example. Also, you can be renting out all kinds of equipment and technology.

#41. “Unusual” Modelling

If you would describe yourself as, to put it nicely, not the most attractive person, then there’s a place for you under the spotlight as well. And Ugly is just one of the many examples of companies looking for people with unusual looks. Lots of tattoos, piercings, and peculiar face features can make you a real hit among countless brands, magazines, and advertising agencies.

#42. Online Surveys

Internet surveys are out there all day long, just waiting to be filled. And companies are willing to pay good money just to read what you think. This is a literal way to sit on your bottom all day long and earn cash from the comfort of your home. One of the many benefits of home working is that you don’t have to waste time and money travelling to a workplace. And you get to have breaks whenever you like.

#43. Courier Business

You can be delivering things through DHL, FedEx, UPS, and other well-known carriers but still be autonomous. All you need is a trusty van and a spotless driver’s license. Of course, your main costs will be those around your vehicle.

#44. Starting A Coffee Shop


The thing about successful coffee shops is that it’s never really about the coffee. This said, probably the most important aspect is the location. If you want to make a living out of this, then make sure your place is located at an advantageous position where there’s constant traffic of people. The next thing you really need to think about is the atmosphere of your coffee shop. The right music, decoration, furniture, and so on.

Home » Entrepreneur » Business Ideas and Plans » 44 Extremely Profitable Small Business Ideas
Business Writer
Lisbeth Larose is a professional writer in the Business field from UK. She is currently employed by Fantastic Services - a company providing domestic services franchises. Her other areas of expertise include cooking and gardening.