Secret Weapon of Successful Managers

Nowadays business world has become a real jungle where laws of deadlines rule, where you go chasing at the meetings, where you work together with your tribe on different projects. Therefore, you need to gear up and arm yourself with a proper weapon to become a king of the jungle. Luckily, a modern jungle can be tamed with only one, but mighty weapon – iPhone.

Secret Weapon of Successful Managers

There are many killer apps that are very handy in dealing with dangers of common tricky situations and they are your secret weapon. Here are some of them.

Organize better and stop procrastinating

How do you spend your time? Are you well organized and rational or do you squander it on browsing the web and social networks? Well, that won’t be the case any more because My Minutes will be your conscience and help you manage time efficiently. Simply set a goal, the amount of time you want to put into a task and get down to work. In that way, you can easily follow your progress and be proud of your accomplishments. Also, there are some inspiring quotes to keep you going. A convenient and simple way to manage your time, isn’t it?

Become a money wizard

Month passes in a blink of an eye and you are wondering where did your money go. Then you tell yourself that you’ll be more prudent and economical next month. It’s time to keep your promise, but you’ll definitely need some help. Spendee is a financial app which gives you a hand with your personal finances on the go. It allows you to see where your money goes and keep track of your spending. Likewise, it analyzes your income and expenses, giving you intelligent advice on how to make the most of your money. Isn’t that great, a financial advisor of your own!

Manage files better than a secretary

How many times were you unable to get your job done because you file was too large to open, to send or save? Especially when you’re on the go and working on your iPhone. Yes, too many times. That’s why you’ll use Compress PDF app that makes PDF documents smaller in couple of seconds. Of course, quality of the document is preserved. Also, it’s possible to reduce size of your documents from Gmail attachments, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box and OneDrive. The whole process won’t affect your battery since the compression is performed on the servers. As always, less is more and better.

Network like a pro

Every professional knows how important it is to network and to meet other professionals. You never know who can help you with your work or become a new co-worker. Therefore, you should take every opportunity for networking. Shapr will connect you with like-minded people to meet nearby in your area, based on your interests and experience. Just create a profile and swipe to discover inspiring entrepreneurs, mentors, founders and many others. Finally, connect with them and start chatting. Something like smart business dating, right?

Take care of your temple

Last but not the least, given that your body is your temple, you should take care of it. There’s no excuse for not being physically active and exercising regularly. So, stop complaining and get Daily Workouts, a personal trainer app. It offers great videos with different 5 to 10 minute targeted workouts or 10 to 30 minute randomized full body workouts demonstrated by a certified personal trainer. The best part is that no Internet is required to do the workouts. Now you have your own personal trainer wherever you are.

And now you are ready to go and conquer new territories.

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