Simple Marketing Strategies That Every New Business Should Follow

There is no magic bullet that can grow your business, and not all marketing strategies will work for all objectives. Marketing is very much a craft, and businesses need to learn what works for their specific company. Marketing strategies can also be quite expensive; however, there is no need to spend a fortune to have a good plan in place.

Whether you are starting a business or trying to increase revenue, marketing is important to tell the world that the company exists. How well a marketing strategy will do in the end depends on many variables. Here are a few of the simpler ideas that could skyrocket any business towards improvement.

Simple Marketing Strategies That Every New Business Should Follow

Google Listing

First, and most importantly, if the business isn’t registered and listed on Google, it can have more than a few repercussions. The issue is that anytime someone searches Google for a plumber, for example, they will see the first one on the list. People don’t necessarily know a business name; they just know what product or service they need. If a business is listed with Google, it will be recommended more often, and the company will be higher up on the page.

Registering for a Google listing is not difficult, but the business must have a postcard sent to a residential or business address with a verification code. Without this code, no business can be listed, and this is a major stream of revenue for many. What makes it more worthwhile, is that with a unique company name, search results will be more specific and show up more often to potential customers.

Personalised Content

How many times does a company send email after email of irrelevant information that just ends up in the spam folder? A few decades ago, it was beneficial for businesses to send as much communication as possible so that the customer didn’t forget about them. The issue is that, over the years, this has bred junk messages that no one wants to receive. Most people won’t even open up those types of emails because there isn’t any value in the information for them to benefit from.

One simple method is to target a group of precise clients and create content that relates to them. Instead of punting the next offer on a product or service, design and offer something exclusive around a client so that the content is specific to their needs. Known as b2b marketing ideas that work towards a particular objective, personalised content can set a business apart from the rest. For more b2b marketing strategies, check out Elevate Digital. Managing digital marketing and performance in the London area, Elevate Digital promises a 96% increase in conversion rates and revenue growth. From SEO, web development, and paid advertising, Elevate Digital can help businesses reach clients without spending a lot of money.

Specify Social Media

Of course, for businesses to succeed these days, they have to be present online on social media platforms. Even though social media is one of the most important aspects of marketing, not every platform is created equal. Essentially, one social media platform may be more suited to the business, while another is just a waste of time or money. Depending on the business, social media can be used effectively to target more specific audiences and reach a larger market.

The key is knowing where the customers are, how they communicate, and how they can be reached. If only a few customers are on Twitter, then it won’t be as viable as if they were on Facebook more often. One platform will work better than others, and each business will benefit differently based on which one is utilised properly.

Brand Awareness

Not necessarily brand recognition, but brand awareness is when a customer spots a business based on a motto, colour scheme, or icon. Where brand recognition is important to be known in the market, brand awareness is where loyal customers and passive income streams stem from. No matter the size of the business, it’s vital that it has a persona that customers can identify with. It can be built based on trust, high-quality products, and services, or by making positive changes in the world.

Think about popular fast-food places. Everyone knows what to expect anytime they see their favourite shop, and people continue to go to those places for a reason. There is an awareness that certain brands are more suited for catering to customers’ needs than others. With enough marketing strategies created and implemented as often as possible, any business can improve its brand awareness and secure returning customers for life.

Marketing strategies don’t have to be complicated to work efficiently, and these simple ideas are enough to improve any plan. They just need to be created and initiated according to the type of customers the business wants. There is no wrong way to market to customers, but there are hundreds of methods that will work more effectively for some businesses.

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