Startup in College: Where to Start

Google, a company that changed the world, was founded by two graduate students at Stanford University. The project started in dorm rooms, on a server network using second-hand computers bought at a very cheap price.

Mad Paws, a fresh Australian startup that matches pet owners with sitters, is another proof that you don’t have to wait for that degree to start a successful business.

If you’re already getting startup ideas, you may want to act before they get outdated or someone beats you to realization.

College can be limiting, since you have a lot of studying and writing to do. But with the right approach, it’s possible to bring small business ideas to life while you’re still a student.

Tips: How to Start a Startup in College

  1. Find Your Priorities
  2. While you’re at college, your studies are a priority. You’re spending a lot of money on them. If you prolong them, you’ll end up spending more money than planned. That’s not productive.

    You have to focus. Attend the lectures and study as much as possible. If you have an assignment, you need to write this essay perfectly. It helps you develop skills that you’ll use when you start your business. You get opportunities to learn each day, so use them well.

    As for your business, it’s another priority that you’ll fit in your schedule. Your educational journey shouldn’t feel the consequences of this. Your social life and hobbies may become limited because you’ll have virtually no free time. But you need to accept the fact that sacrifices are necessary and focus on your priorities.

  3. Take Business and Leadership Courses
  4. No matter what you study at college, you have an opportunity to take courses related to business and leadership. Use it! You can also learn how to start a startup through an online course. Coursera features several programs that are free, but very resourceful.

    You may be planning a startup in cosmetics, chemistry, technology, or anything else. If it’s a business, you need to study how businesses work. Your college gives you that chance, so why would you waste it?

  5. Take Marketing Courses, Too
  6. Each startup needs keyword-driven content, strong social media presence, and some paid advertising. Strategic marketing is a complex process that requires tons of commitment. Even if your startup is so unique that you don’t need to compete against many other companies, you’ll still need to advertise it.

    Business owners usually hire marketing teams to tackle this part of the work. However, they should still be knowledgeable, so they can control the marketing process and include their own ideas in it.

  7. Think Finances!
  8. You may think that your idea doesn’t need too much money. However, you have to plan expenses on developing, hosting, and maintaining a website, hiring freelance writers for your blog, investing in advertising, and more.

    How will you fund your startup? Banks don’t usually give loans until they are sure that your business has grown enough to handle the expense. You’ll have to look into grants and crowdfunding options.
    Crowdfunding is a very attractive way to power-up your beginnings, but you have to be careful with it. Expose your idea to the public only after it’s fully developed. Otherwise, you risk someone getting too inspired by it before you launch the product or service.

  9. Create a Plan and Stick to It
  10. You’re a busy student. As a future entrepreneur, you’ll discover a whole new dimension of being busy. You have to learn how to manage your time as effectively as possible. Use Google Calendar or any other app you prefer. Mark all deadlines related to your studies, but plan startup activities as well.
    Do your best to stay focused and meet those deadlines. Specifying them in a calendar helps a lot, since you can plan small steps that lead to big goals.

You Can Do This!

Starting a business demands not only commitment, but self-confidence as well. If you have a great idea for a startup and you can source the finances to make it happen, college shouldn’t be an obstacle. In fact, your studies will help you become more successful. You can take courses in leadership, business planning, management, and marketing. You’ll learn the things you need to know, and you’ll rely on that knowledge when you start the business.

You’re young and passionate about an idea. You have all it takes to succeed, so don’t let any doubt to stand in your way. Educate yourself and take action!

Home » Startups » Startup in College: Where to Start
Emma Rundle is a professional writer and editor. Her blog became an instant success as soon as she launched it, so Emma got the chance to make an income while traveling. She likes inspiring people to learn!