Simple Website Errors That Could Destroy Your Startup

Thanks to advances in software and straightforward how-to guides, it’s easier than ever to build a website. This is fantastic news for business owners who are eager to start developing an online presence. Without a website, your business is less likely to succeed in today’s tech-driven world. While there is no denying it’s convenience, choosing to build a website by yourself isn’t always a good idea. If you haven’t got the know-how or experience, it can be easy to make errors. While some of these may be small, they can stop you from converting visitors into customers. Over time this will have detrimental effects on your sales targets and could put you out of business altogether. So rather than letting that happen, here are some simple errors you need to rectify as soon as possible.

Simple Website Errors That Could Destroy Your Startup

Using a template that is too basic

It’s not difficult to see why many business owners choose to use free templates with basic designs. They are convenient and easy to use but also don’t cost them a penny. Unfortunately, many other business owners will have also used the same templates for their websites. This could mean that your site fails to stand out against your competitors. A website that looks too basic can also be off-putting to customers. So whether you’ve used a retail or plumbing website design theme, try to customize it as much as possible. That way your site can make a strong first impression and feel unique to your customers.

Using the wrong font

Fonts are a simple way of adding interest and personality to your website. However, the wrong size and style of font can make the information on your site difficult for your customers to read. If your customers are unable to read your content easily, they are likely to go elsewhere as a result. So when creating content for your site, whether it’s a blog post or product description, keep the font clear and simple. Avoid overly decorative fonts and choose a font size that can be read easily. Also remember to check your spelling and grammar to ensure it is easy to understand. A large percentage of online shoppers now use mobile devices. So make sure the new font and size you have chosen also translates to phones and tablets too. It must be mobile responsive and easily accessible.

Forgetting to include a search box

A search box can boost your website’s navigation and allows your customers to explore with ease. Yet many business owners fail to include one on their company websites. The problem with this is that it makes it difficult for your customers to find what they need. This could cause them to leave your site and buy from your competitors instead. You may find that you receive complaints regarding the lack of this feature, which can affect your reputation. So if your website doesn’t currently have a search bar, add one to the design and make sure it is easy to find.

If you’re still concerned about website errors, get in touch with a website design or optimization service. They can help you raise your conversions and rankings while also boosting your professional appeal.

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