4 Ways STEM Courses Help to Enhance your MBA

This is the world of science and technology. Almost every business today exists on the base of scientific progress or technological paradigm. The business decisions and growth is calculated scientifically based on technology. The growth of business leads to employment, which in turn tends to increase a nation’s GDP.

But science and technology are not the only pillars supporting businesses. Engineering and mathematics play a big role too, which is why they are intrinsically related to the two former bastions of progress.

So what’s in it for you as an MBA graduate or a student?

To Move With The Times

Producing more cakes in Christmases a business-minded act. But to start an online service of Indian food outside stadium playing the ever-quintessential India vs. Pakistan cricket match, or to add ayurvedic medicines in toothpaste, is prudence. Prudence, which relies on consumer trends. The same prudence is required when your business has global competition.

So it is natural for every department in a typical business to have an army of managers, well versed with progress in science and technology, engineering and math. A majority of employers look for these qualities in potential candidates, collectively known as STEM, i.e. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. So while pursuing an MBA degree, think about qualifying for STEM courses as well.

To Amplify Your Career Prospects

Big business houses have to maintain, expand and sustain in the face of tough competition. The only way they can stay in this race is to keep innovating and creating new products from customers ’perspectives. This innovation takes root in new employees who are experts in STEM subjects, to be nurtured as future leaders in upper management.

STEM graduates have a spirit of inquiry with a dash of logical and innovative thinking, exploratory learning, and incredible troubleshooting capacity which is the foundation of an entrepreneurial attitude. So, they recruit managers not just for their business expertise, but also for their STEM qualifications.

It has been estimated that the US would experience a shortage of workforce required to work in advanced areas related to STEM-designated fields. As such, STEM students are in high demand and have a 100% chance of getting a job. Once these students show their caliber earned in STEM courses, they grow to more senior positions as well. Moreover, STEM studded managers get higher remuneration than common MBA graduates.

Boon For International Students

It is observed that even international students who acquired STEM qualifications with an MBA degree have successfully established startups and thereby creating jobs and helping the economy. However, there is a history behind this. Obama administration had launched STEM designation in a degree program to enhance America’s importance in computer and biological technology and programming. The aim was to attract international students to study and work in the US for its economy. Naturally, international students receive additional visa extensions and increased employment prospects.

The expected positive side effect was that Native American students also jumped on this bandwagon, which provided a much-needed boost to their economy.

Every Subject is Covered

Although there are limited subjects in business management, the STEM courses are numerous, to the tune of 300+. B-schools and education systems recognize this requirement of a multitude of management aspects required in business.

To that effect, the education sector has expanded the list of degree programs related to STEM. Some notable mentions are:- aeronautics, agriculture, animal science, behavioral science, biochemical technology, ocean engineering, petroleum technology, pharmacology, statistics, zoology, etc.

So you can get an MBA degree even if you have a degree in any of the above subjects.
However, these courses are limited to full-time only, because B-schools have to supply businesses with fresh ideas and innovative minds. Business houses always wish to hire versatile managers with multiple skills instead of hiring different managers for administration and soft skills. So, as STEM-qualified MBA students, you’d always have an extra feather in your leadership crowns and an ace up your sleeves.

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