What you need to know before opening a business?

If you’re considering Philippines as your next business destination, Founder’s Guide will be happy to hear from you! Regardless of your plans and intentions, you can rest easy with the knowledge that the Philippines has many advantages that anyone can enjoy. If you’re still in the considering stage, you can refer to the short list below of things you have to consider when starting out a business in the Philippines.

Overview of Business Essentials:

1. Finding the right location

– coworking office
– rental office
– etc.

2. Registering your business officially

– local business permits
– registration with PEZA and SEC
– sanitary permits etc.

3. Setting up miscellaneous

– bank account opening
– securing of work visa

4. Manpower

– human resource/ hiring process
– administration/ management
– accountant/ book-keeper
– lawyer
– bank manager

5. Operations

– supplies (furnitures, equipments, etc.)
– internet connection setup
– real estate arrangements for foreign tenants
– meetings/ conference venues
– manual compilation in accordance to Philippine laws)
– insurance (both for company & employees)
– opening of employee payroll account

For a more thorough and step-by-step instruction how to open a business, you can refer to this article.

If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to leave us a message below and we’ll get back to you soon.

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