The Definitive Digital Marketing Guide For 2017

The Definitive Digital Marketing Guide For 2017

Today, we’re bringing you a guide to digital marketing in 2017. Below, you will find three key areas of your digital strategy that needs to be considered. Give them a read and take all the info on board:

Web Traffic (SEO & PPC)

The main aim of every digital marketing strategy is to increase sales and bring new customers to your business. One of the best ways you can do this is by looking at the traffic coming to your website. The more traffic you have, the more people you have on your website. As such, you see multiple benefits. For starters, with more web traffic comes an increased chance of gaining customers. Secondly, if you’ve monetised your site with ads, then lots of traffic means you get lots of money from those ads.

Improving your web traffic revolves around two things; SEO and PPC. Search Engine Optimization is all about finding ways of increasing your traffic organically. It will boost up your search rankings and make your site more visible. One of the best ways to improve SEO is through link building. But, you also need to think about on-site SEO too, as it helps make your web pages far easier for search engines to index and rank. SEO is a long process, but the results will be long lasting.

PPC is great if you want to see more immediate success. It’s all about paying for adverts that drive people to your site. You can pay for ads on search engines or pay for ads on other websites. Sure, it costs more money than SEO, but if you manage your PPC campaign correctly, you will only bid on ads that bring success.

The Definitive Digital Marketing Guide For 2017

Content Strategy

Your business needs to devise a solid content strategy as part of your digital marketing campaign. While this will include social media content, it’s mainly focused on the content you have on your site. After all, your website is the centre of your digital presence, and your whole digital marketing strategy will revolve around it.

Having quality content on your website is essential as it can help you engage audiences and grab their attention. When someone’s attention has been grabbed it means they’re staying on your site for longer than they might have anticipated. What does this mean? It means that they’re more likely to become customers. The longer you can keep people on your site, the more chance to have of converting them into paying customers. Your content plays a key role in doing this, so don’t cut any corners. It might be worth hiring a professional copywriting service if you struggle to create content that dazzles and wows your web traffic. Your website content needs to be fresh and provide audiences with information on your business as well as convincing them to buy your products.

Alongside your web content, you need to produce solid social media content too. Your main aim is to produce content that captivates people and directs them back to your website. Thus, your traffic increases and then the quality web content converts them to customers!

The Definitive Digital Marketing Guide For 2017

Managing Your Online Reputation

A lot of small businesses miss out a crucial step when designing their digital marketing campaign. They focus on all the main things like improving web traffic and increasing conversions. But, the majority of small businesses forget about managing their online reputation.

It’s vital that you do this, as it can prove to be a very effective tool when marketing your company. The way your business is perceived by your online audience can help determine the success of your strategy. If there’s a lot of positive talk about your company, then users are more likely to visit your site and express an interest in your business. If the opposite is true, and there’s negative chatter, it means users are less likely to express an interest.

How can you manage your online reputation? For starters, think about how you conduct yourself on social media. Be respectable and don’t get into arguments with consumers on Twitter. There have been many professional businesses whose reputation went down the pan because of this! You could also consider outsourcing a company that deals with negative content filtering. This is the process of finding all the negative content about your business, and removing it from the web. If you can get rid of as much slander as possible, there will be less bad stuff out there for people to read. Consequently, you’ll have a positive reputation that builds trust and helps you establish a loyal customer base while enticing new customers too.

Nail all three of these things, and your digital marketing strategy will be on the path to success this year.

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