The New Essentials: What Consumers are Buying and How to Sell It

Without a doubt, our generation has not experienced a global crisis that even comes close to Covid-19. Businesses all over the world are restructuring, shifting budgets, and making cuts to survive. There are, however, some industries and companies that are clear breadwinners and facilitating new technologies and strategies that we can look to and learn from.

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Healthcare Products & Wellness

In the fight against an invisible enemy, there is not much that can be done except to practice safe behaviour and to take good care of your most valuable asset: yourself. With this in mind, consumers are purchasing healthcare products like seldom – maybe even never – before. This ranges from a very broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals to boost the immune system, as well as anxiety-reducing products such as CBD, adaptogens, and more.

In an attempt to stay healthy, consumers are doing more research into healthcare products, particularly alternative and natural remedies, have seen a surge in interest. Treatments such as cannabis and mushrooms are becoming more and more accepted as effective ingredients for specific psychological and physiological concerns, and consumers seem to more open to spending money on these “new essentials.”

Communication Software

For those who are fortunate enough to be able to work from home, there has been a learning curve in reorganizing workflows remotely. For example, communicating with colleagues and clients via video conferencing apps, efficient project management with cloud solutions, and so on.

However, it isn’t all work and no play, as quarantine situations and lockdowns have also seen an increase in download of apps that allow users to play games with friends and “hang out” virtually. Other gaming apps with an interactive UX that will enable users to play with friends are also more popular than ever.

Contactless Delivery

Food and hygiene products are, of course, already considered an essential good, but Covid-19 has made access to these bare necessities difficult. Businesses like grocery stores are restructuring their services to offer delivery if they had not done so before while existing delivery services are making a pivot into providing products that they did not provide before the pandemic. As an example, independent shops that may have previously delivered flowers, are now offering to deliver groceries to their customers.

Compassionate Marketing

There is a big case to be made about companies focusing their marketing efforts on customer relationships and providing the best possible experience and service for their customers in this current climate. Companies must reallocate budgets and cut expenses where possible, but it essential to change the collective mindset to match the times, as consumers also adjust spending habits and purchasing decisions. It is time to create change the playbook and endorse new habits for both brands and customers.

The only way that this crisis will be resolved as quickly as possible is for people to practice empathy and act responsibly for their fellow human beings. Companies must think in the same way, shifting gears from a “You and I” approach to sending a message of unity to their customers. We are all in this together, and there is no denying that we must do all that we can to mitigate the economic downturn that we will be faced with, by supporting one another rather than making this a competitive race to the top.

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I'm a licensed educator currently exploring life using the lens of a writer. A millennial passionate about all things classic. I love good books and silly jokes. I'm still trying to figure out my super powers.