What to Include in Your Landing Page

Creating an effective landing page can seem overwhelming if you’ve never done this type of project before. Taking the time to ensure that you have certain elements will help it be part of a successful online marketing strategy.

Unique Point of View

A major component of the landing page needs to be distinguishing how you are different than the competition. What sets you apart?
From the main headline to the statements on this page, you must define why the customer would be better to choose your product or service over that of a competitor.

Primary Headline

The main headline must attract the attention of your target audience. Otherwise they are likely to leave your website and go to another one.

Not only does it have to be catchy in its wording, but the main headline also must tell the reader the essence of your product or service. All of this in a relatively short line of 10-20 words.

Subheading that Converts

Next is the subheading. It fleshes out the headline, which was only a minimal number of words to help the reader get a better idea about what you are offering them. While the headline first caught their attention, it is the subheading that will keep them there.

The subheading is usually more persuasive than the main headline. In terms of placement, it often goes directly beneath the main headline.

Visual Content

For a landing page to be useful, it needs to attract your audience with an image. Make it a large size photo of the product so that this visual element grabs their attention.

And, of course, ensure it is high quality. Choose the image carefully as it can shape the visitor’s impression of your brand. Avoid using stock photography here.

Drive Traffic to the Landing Page

Now that you have the main elements of the landing page in place, it’s time to drive traffic to it. One way to do so is to create a Survey Funnel that links back to the landing page within it.

This email marketing technique is a great one. In addition, you can optimize your landing page for SEO so that it appears in search queries, generating organic traffic. Also, share the landing page link on your social media profiles to get more eyes on it.

Creating a Clear Landing Page

Ensure that you have a clear message on your landing page, or you will lose potential customers. When in doubt, choose the most straightforward wording for your main headline and other parts of the landing page.

While it might be tempting to create fun written content, clarity is more important. The image can also add to this message.

One Last Tip on Landing Pages

Finally, provide a way for visitors to contact you. You could include various contact methods on your landing page, including an email address or phone number.

Another option is to include a contact form for prospective clients. The purpose here is to build trust with them. They will see that you are a real business, so they are more likely to choose you than if you do not provide that information within your well-crafted landing page.

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