Tips for Starting a Small Business With a Disability

In the current day it is easier than it has ever been for those with disabilities to find their way into the world of work. Thanks to organizations such as atWork Australia, anyone with disabilities can find the help that they need to get into the jobs market. Despite the fact that this is easier than it ever has been, we are still seeing a great number of people with disabilities realizing just how successful they can be in their very own business. This is a great venture for anyone and if you do plan to set up a business and you are disabled, here are some tips to bear in mind.

Tips for Starting a Small Business With a Disability

Consider Home-Based

The key to setting up your own business is about making things as easy as possible for yourself, which is why setting up a home-based business may be the smartest idea. One of the toughest things for most people with disabilities is transport, and the stresses and strains on the daily commute could potentially be a daily problem. It used to be that a home-based business would involve you being on calls all day, but with the internet there is in fact a world of possibilities for your business. You could work in sales, marketing, eCommerce or training, as just some examples of the scope of variation which you can find online.

Seeking Out Funding

Funding any business is a challenge which is why it is important that you look to get your hands on any kind of funding which is available. There are a number of grants and bursaries which have been made available for entrepreneurs who have disabilities. This cash usually doesn’t have to be repaid and will help you to get set up and start to grow your business. Be sure to read the small print for any grants which you find, to ensure that you will in fact qualify for the money available.

Feeling Confident

A recent study found that some 70% of disabled people who were polled revealed that they lacked confidence in starting a business. This is understandable for many who have been told for some time that they were not a match for an able-bodied person. The reality however is that business owners with disabilities have just as much chance of success as someone who is able-bodied, so this shouldn’t hold you back. The best way to gain some confidence in what you are doing is to check out some of the many success stories of disabled people who have found great success in the world of business. There are people with autism, cerebral palsy, mobility issues and many other disabilities who have gone on to do incredible things in the world of business.

And finally, be sure that you reach out for as much support as you need. The community of disabled people are often very good at helping to boost others, and there are many organizations which can help you to launch that business too.

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