Top 5 Promotional Products Your Business Should Be Using

Are you looking for ways to get the word out about your business?

If so, then you need to start using promotional products. Businesses large and small can benefit from using promotional products.

Promotional products help improve customer loyalty, develop better relationships with customers, help improve lead generation, and help boost brand visibility. Plus, promotional products are an extremely affordable marketing tool.

But, what types of promotional products should your business be using?

Read on to learn about the top 5 promotional products for your business.

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1. Mugs

Did you know that 64 percent of Americans drink a cup of coffee every day? And that the total number of coffee drinkers is the highest it’s been in 6 years?

And, what do people like to drink their coffee out of? Mugs! Everyone loves sipping a warm cup of coffee out of a big mug. Those who don’t drink coffee also love mugs for sipping hot chocolate, tea, or any other warm beverage.

Basically, mugs are awesome, and people use them on a daily basis. This is why they make such a great promotional item.

2. Device Chargers

Take a second to look around you right now. How many people do you see using their phones? Or using some other piece of technology?

Probably nearly everybody! In fact, 36 percent of Americans own a smartphone, computer, and a tablet. People are often using these technological devices nonstop, which means their batteries are eventually going to run out.

While every technological device comes with a charger, most people end up losing them at one point or another. Or, they hate always having to remember to bring their chargers from home into work, and vice versa.

This is why charging devices are one of the best promotional items. There’s no doubt that your potential customers will end up using the charging device you give them, and when they do, they’ll always think of your business.

3. Reusable Water Bottles

In the last few years, more and more people have become aware of the fact that drinking out of plastic water bottles is bad for our health. And, throwing away all that plastic is bad for the environment.

Therefore, more and more people are now opting for reusable water bottles instead.

Just like chargers, reusable water bottles are an item that can be used again and again, long after you hand them out to your customers. Plus, people take their water bottles nearly everywhere – to the office, parks, airports, hiking trips and more.

Therefore, when you use water bottles as a promotional item, you will reach a much wider audience.

4. Pens

Pens are another promotional item that will never go out of style. And, they’re another item that there can never be enough of, as people lose pens all the time.

Even though people don’t write by hand nearly as often as they used to, pens certainly still have their place. Whether you have your employees use your pens at your workplace, or you pass them out to customers at events, pens are a great way to spread brand recognition.

5. T-Shirts

It’s pretty hard to deny how valuable t-shirts are as a promotional item.

After all, people wear t-shirts everywhere – to the gym, to sleep, to go shopping, to hang out with friends. Really, anywhere you can think of.

T-shirts with cool designs or funny sayings can really help boost your brand.

Use these promotional items, and it won’t be long until your business sees growth. Visit for high quality, eco-friendly promotional products.

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