Top Technologies For A Startup With A Hybrid Work Model

Are you using a hybrid work model at your startup? Check out these technologies that can help you manage your hybrid work model.

A hybrid work model can help increase employee satisfaction and diversify talent in your startup business. Hybrid work models are becoming increasingly popular, with employees enjoying an autonomous approach to where they work.

Top Technologies For A Startup With A Hybrid Work Model

The benefits include:

  • Reducing commute times and costs.
  • Higher motivation.
  • A more comfortable work life balance.

There are plenty of resources available to help you find information that will help you grow and manage your startup business.

However, the hybrid working model can face some issues, for example:

  • Lost productivity due to internet access and internet security issues.
  • Visitor logging in the office.
  • Data security in the home office.
  • Under utilizing office space.

We have provided a list of top technologies for a startup with a hybrid work model to manage these issues. Read on to find out more.

Occupancy Management Tools

When your employees work from home for a portion of the week, you are not fully utilizing your office space. On the other hand, too many overlapping office schedules can also result in exceeding available space and crowding. To determine whether you should downsize your office space, you might want to use occupancy management tools.

Occupancy management can allow you to track how many people are using the office facilities at one time, including insights into office desk use. You can also get recommendations for how you can manage your office space for optimized functionality.

Building Security Technology

To manage the rising concern of security in your business, you might want to invest in building security technology that allows you to view a detailed record of who has been in and out of your company’s office.

Allegion’s Schlage smart door locks can allow you to remotely lock and unlock doors for added security to provide visitor access control. The wireless locks provide access control via touchless and keyless locks. In addition, you can view entry activity on the Openpath dashboard.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Smart Desk Management

A hot desk system in your office can help you to make optimal use of your desk space. A smart desk booking system allows employees to reserve rooms and desks in your office, giving you an interactive view of your office plan.

You can also use the smart desk booking system to view desk bookings and the names of the colleagues who have booked them, allowing employees to sit in teams or near their friends.

Automated Wellness Verification

Automated wellness verification allows a company to manage the physical and emotional well-being of their employees to administer and organize wellness programs.

Wellness verification tools can help you to promote company-wide wellness. It also allows companies to support their employees by offering helpful health information.

Check out the best-automated wellness verification tools to compare and find the best fit for your company.

Cloud-Based Office Applications

Cloud-based office applications such as Office 365 allow employees to access work documents from home and work via internet access. In addition, cloud-based file-sharing systems enable employees to share access to important files and collaborate on projects no matter where they are.

You can even move office telephone systems to the cloud to make them accessible everywhere.

You can use cloud-based applications such as Microsoft Teams to account for the loss of office communication, such as office chats, so that employees don’t lose the ability to cooperate and communicate at work.

Technology Can Optimize Your Office Space.

A startup with a hybrid work model needs office technology that optimizes office space via occupancy management and building security technology for monitoring and visitor access management.

Office technology can also offer cloud-based solutions to assist in accessing files from home for collaborations and automated wellness verification to promote an overarching mental and physical wellness culture within your business.

If you require more information to help you grow and expand your startup business, check out Founder’s Guide.

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