Understanding the Partnership of Law Firms and SEO Companies

In a time where everything is done online, a business that does not invest in its presence on social media and search engine rankings is bound to be bested by its competitors. It is a well-known fact that people nowadays spend the majority of their time online, whether to use the different social media applications like Facebook and Instagram or to search for things they’d like to learn about. That includes services and products –– stats show that around 70% use Google to search for services or products they need on a daily basis. This applies to anything from shopping for groceries to looking for a lawyer to help you. A person looking to hire a divorce attorney or a personal injury will likely skip checking in the yellow papers; they would take their phone out and search. This is why law firms need to invest in search engine optimization, and for several other reasons, too.

Generating leads

Any law firm is concerned with generating new leads, all the time. As we mentioned earlier, people will always turn to Google to find products and services they need, and legal services are no exception. This is why any law firm needs to implement SEO strategies. Search engine optimization is concerned with improving search engine ranking, and that is exactly what your firm needs. When your ranking improves, more people will be able to find your business. When that happens, you will be able to generate a lot more leads than usual. This is the first link between law firms and SEO companies –– the former need to invest in the latter because this is what it takes to make it now.

Long term growth

One of the biggest advantages of SEO is the fact that it is a long term plan. It is a constantly evolving operation to optimize your website and content so people can find you easily, which ensures you will keep generating leads in the future. As you can see on this website, when you start dealing with SEO experts, they will help you set a strategy that is continuously and consistently growing. This is why SEO is exponentially better than traditional marketing techniques. It is not some TV spot or a newspaper ad that you just create and pray people would see. It is a long term plan that keeps yielding results and rewards years down the line, which is exactly what a law firm needs.

Keeping up with the competition

If you open Google now and type ‘divorce attorney New York,’ you will get close to 40 million results, and that is a fact. Needless to say, a person making such a query will not go through a fraction of those pages. In fact, studies show that most people don’t even go beyond the first page of a search results page! This is why it is crucial that law firms partner with SEO companies, as this is the only way they could say competitive in this fierce market. You can rest assured that your competition is doing it, and they are investing a lot of money into their SEO strategy, which means that you need to do the same if you want to generate new leads.


You can find plenty of lawyer websites around you, but not all will be suitable for most visitors. Another reason why law firms need to hire SEO companies is the fact that they would help optimize and improve the content, which makes a huge difference for consumers and search rankings as well. People don’t really want to open a website to be confronted with legal jargon and technical terms they can’t make sense of. A professional SEO expert would help you avoid such problems as optimizing content is one of the essential practices of search engine optimization. Accessibility doesn’t have to do with just the quality of content, but also with the overall quality of the website. A person looking for an attorney won’t stick around if your homepage takes 30 seconds to load! This brings us back again to SEO which is concerned with improving navigability and loading speeds.

Social media presence

Professional SEO experts would also be concerned with establishing a powerful presence for your law firm on the different social media platforms. Yes, they are mainly concerned with search engine rankings, but social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram can actually help you rank higher with the right strategies.

Like any other business in this day and age, law firms need SEO companies to help them reach more people and generate leads. The trick is in finding the right SEO company that specializes in search engine optimization for lawyers, which requires different expertise. With the right partner, clients will start coming in and the next problem you may have to face is how to handle all of them.

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