5 Ways to do Content Marketing in 2020

With everything that has been going on in 2020 so far, it’s safe to say all of our previously outlined content marketing plans might as well be thrown out the window.

However, we still need to market our businesses, and even the current situation will one day end. That being said, let’s explore some of the ways in which you can market your content and use content for marketing your business in 2020.

Focus on the experience

When crafting content, whether it’s an article or a video, try to focus on improving the experience it provides for your audience.

If you, like so many other businesses, are facing a bit of a slower time, you can utilize the extra resources you have on hand to rethink the way you package your content. Could you add a different style of image? Could you perhaps incorporate video more? Is there a way to format your article better?

You can also look into the layout of both your desktop and mobile website and dive into Analytics. This will help you find what it is you can do to make it easier to navigate and drive the right users in the right direction.

Focus on ephemeral content

In other words, Stories and Lives on social networks.

Since people are spending more time on social media than before, now is the time to rethink your social strategy, and see what it is you can offer. You should also factor in how popular short video formats are and use that aspect to your advantage.

These kinds of bite-sized pieces are easier to find time for, and as long as you provide value and a bit of a respite from the news, you will surely attract some viewers.

Utilize user-generated content

Social media is again a great source and outlet for these kinds of content formats, but you can also run polls, ask questions, and craft interesting articles based on your findings – people will be much more likely to read them, given the fact that they themselves have participated in the research.

Of course, simply sharing and crediting your users who are using a product or talking about your brand is always a good option, as it provides plenty of social proof and helps foster a sense of community.

Data and research

Another trend we see emerging is a focus on data-driven and research-heavy posts, so if your brand can produce that kind of content, this might be the right time to do it.

If you feel you have no access to research or data, just think about your unique knowledge of your job and your industry. You are certainly well-versed in whatever it is you do, and you can turn that into an article. Also, you have access to your customer base, so talking about the two combined is also an easy way to come up with a topic idea.

Don’t forget about promotion

Finally, let’s not forget about one of the most important aspects of content marketing: promotion.

If you simply create a piece of content and fail to promote it, you can’t expect it to attract an audience beyond the people who already visit your website anyway.

On the other hand, while promoting it on social media and via your newsletter is a must, there are limits to these channels as well, as they are not reaching a new audience.

To circumvent the problem, you might want to start looking into building a variety of links pointing back to your content. You can look at what different agencies for link building can offer and figure out what kinds of promotion channels would work best for you. That way, you will be certain to attract new audiences as well.

Final thoughts

Don’t let your content marketing be put on hold. Do what you can in the present climate, and remember that as an increasing number of people spend an increasing amount of time online, you have a unique chance to grab their attention while they’re scrolling – now more than ever.

FG Editorial Team
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