10 Tools To Promote Your Startup

10 Marketing Tools To Kick Start Your Startup Business

Welcome to the world of business! You have to be creative, and come up with innovative ways to market your business. If you are not reaching your audience, it is because you are not using the right startup tools!

Wait! Did we just talk about tools for promoting your business? We just did, and you are going to be glad that you landed here. There are certain tools which can help you to market your business, and that’s exactly how you would reach your target audience. If they are not noticing you, there are low chances that you would be able to last in this field! There are certain effective marketing strategies for startups which you must pay attention to.

What is your promotion strategy? We are sure that you have spent a considerable amount of time, thinking about the best way to capture the attention of your prospective clients. You have tried and tested everything, and it is time that you should incorporate the top marketing tools in your strategy.

What are those? We have listed the Top 10 Tools to promote your startup. We understand that you are fresh, and you have put your heart, soul, and money into the business. You do not want to go wrong!

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Read this post, and you will find all your answers. The below-mentioned tools will kick-start your business, and bring a satisfied smile on your face.

Just so you know, these are free tools for startups. You have spent a considerable amount of money, and we do not want you to go bankrupt at the start of your business.

Do you wish to know about the best marketing strategies? Just read on, and you will find out everything that a new business owner needs to know about the best marketing campaigns and the required marketing tools for small business.

List of 10 Tools to Promote your Startup:

1. Google Analytics

We do believe that any business requires Google everything! We are trying to say that Google Analytics, Google Chrome, and anything related to Google is necessary for your business. When we talk about marketing tools, Google Analytics is a must! This is the grandfather of free web analytics. It gives you the health report of your website. Who is your audience? Where do they come from? You would get the entire scoop on Google Analytics.

2. Hotjar

The second tool that you need is Hotjar. This is going to take you very far! It is useful for website optimization. It shows you how your leads are viewing your website pages and in return, you get to know which one requires improvement. There are surveys and polls through which you can know what your audience wants! They give you tips on where you can improve.

3. WordPress

Do you wish to build your own website? Voila! You must have WordPress in your laptop. You can create landing pages, and there are appealing plugins too.

4. Medium

You might be wondering as to what this tool is doing in the list! It is more of a social networking tool, but you can do wonders with Medium. It is all about creating a network and expanding it. You will get to meet new people, blog about your business, and so much more. You might even reach your target audience. Do note that content is king in this world!

5. MailChimp

MailChimp is a must-have! When you visit the website, you find that the homepage explains the goal. When you send better emails to your clients, you sell better. It is a simple rule which we do not understand. As a startup owner, you must focus on reaching the audience in a better way! There are free email templates, and it also tracks the performance of your emails. Get it now!

6. Canva

Do you feel that designing is a tough task? Not anymore! Canva makes it easy for you and your team. Visual content is always a plus, and you would find that the audience responds to it in a positive way. There is a free library of templates, fonts, images and illustrations to choose from.

7. Evernote

The organization is vital for any business in this world. Get the Evernote tool and store all your ideas and plans at one location. You do not need a secretary to keep all your information and files because Evernote does the work. You can easily gain access through your laptop, or phone.

8. Survey Monkey

When you are starting your own business, you would want to know the customer feedback. The audience thinks of it as a positive gesture because not everyone wants to improve! You can send feedback forms, and the existing clients can fill it up. Ask for their genuine feedback and their tips for you. Survey Monkey allows you to create surveys for free. Plus, you can design the surveys without any hassles. It is simple to use and comes without any additional costs.

9. Buffer

Buffer is great for social media management. It streamlines your social media posting efforts. Do note that social media is the place where you can come in contact with prospective buyers! In today’s world, everyone is on social media, and you can use it in a positive way. You can schedule posts and create drip campaigns.

10. Skype

In today’s world, Skype is a necessity. How are you going to keep in touch with the overseas clients? It is the best free tool which allows you to keep in constant touch with your prospective clients or existing clients. Additionally, it is a great advantage when your clients can reach you any time they want to!

Takeaway Advice for Startup Owners

You do not have to shell a penny from your pocket for the above-mentioned marketing tools for business. Bid adieu to expensive tools, as that takes a lot of money and you feel defeated in case it does not work as per your wish.

Do take out time to look at the marketing strategy campaign to understand the benefits of using tools. By looking at a marketing plan sample, you would get a feel of how the free tools will work for improving your business.

Free startup resources are always desired by startup owners! So, do not waste any time and use all the tools listed in the post. You would definitely get maximum benefits out of all the strategies.

Home » Startups » 10 Tools To Promote Your Startup
Bryan Davis is a blogger by choice and businessman by profession. He is an avid writer and loves to write technological and business blogs. Bryan has 10+ years of experience as a successful businessman. While his business is flourishing, Bryan likes to write academic and non-academic essays.