Having bad credit can make it more challenging to get a loan. Most lenders may reject your loan application, or you might be charged higher interest rates if approved for credit. Loan approval is usually based on your credit score, which is why it’s crucial to fix your bad credit.
However, you can still apply for a bad credit loan even with a poor credit history. Some lenders offer loans with no credit check, though you must meet their income requirements, have an active bank account, and fulfill several other conditions. Here are four loans that don’t require a credit check.
1. Payday loans
Payday loans are an ideal option for finding fast and easy financial solutions. By offering temporary cash infusion to be repaid on the next payday, weekend payday loans allow borrowers to pay their bills and handle other expenses.
These loans usually don’t require a credit check, making them appealing to bad credit borrowers. However, lenders typically charge higher interest rates and fees to offset the risk if you fail to repay the loan. The specific due date is set in the agreement, but it’s usually two to four weeks from the date you take out the loan.
2. Family loans
Borrowing from a family is a cost-effective option when you need funds for a down payment on a home, to repay high-interest debts, or to start a business. A family loan can also help you avoid expensive credit check loans and don’t have many barriers to approval.
These loans usually don’t have contracts where the lender and borrower track interest due and repayment schedules. You can get a family loan at a much lower interest rate than a bank. A family member is also less likely to charge the upfront origination fee or late fees that lenders sometimes charge.
3. Personal installment loans
Personal installment loans are a great source of money for covering unexpected expenses, such as car repairs, emergency home repairs, and medical bills. You can also use the money to consolidate debt or cover the cost of college tuition.
These loans come with longer terms and lower interest rates and are usually considered a safer and more affordable option for people with bad credit. You can usually find a personal installment lender that will offer you a loan without a credit check, meaning you won’t need a good credit score to be approved.
4. Title loans
A title loan is a short-term loan that can be especially attractive to borrowers with bad credit. However, you must own a car outright and be willing to use it as collateral to receive funds. A title loan lender can offer between 25% and 50% of your vehicle’s total value, but you could lose your car if you default on the loan.
However, given that your vehicle becomes the collateral, your credit history isn’t much needed, and you can easily secure cash with a low credit score. During the application, you only need to show the lender your car, proof of ownership (vehicle title), and your license.
Other loans
Cash Advances
Cash advances are small, short-term loans typically obtained through a credit card. While some credit card issuers may perform a credit check, others may offer cash advances without conducting one.
Pawnshop Loans
Pawnshop loans allow borrowers to use valuable items such as jewelry, electronics, or collectibles as collateral. Credit checks are generally not required, as the loan is secured by the item’s value.
Having bad credit doesn’t mean you can’t have any access to quick money. There are several options for getting emergency funds, no matter your poor credit score. These loans are also easy to acquire, especially if you have collateral or a job to prove you have the income to repay the loan.