5 Useful Apps for Language Learners

Acquiring a new language is always a challenge. It requires dedication, interest, and immense willpower nourished by constant motivation. But sometimes everything comes to the point where you want to give it up. And it’s exactly the moment you have to carry on. Looking for a motivator? It’s already in your hands. It is your smartphone (filled with language learning apps, of course).

5 Useful Apps for Language Learners

Better Than With a Teacher?

Language apps can’t replace professional teachers. They also won’t help with your assignments the way a writing service will. But what they can do is boost your language level, enliven motivation, and immerse you into a target language. So why not make the maximum use of such a beneficial option at hand? Here are some benefits of using language apps.

Absolute Independence

Hitting a language target with a tutor or taking courses put a lot of constraints. Limited in time and learning materials, you are likely to end up in the company of people of various learning backgrounds and personal needs. Obviously, managing a group, a teacher can’t give the maximum to each student but concentrates on those who slightly fail to keep up with the pace. But with an app, everything is actually in your hands (in both senses): choose your path, set goals, and study under the moonlight (if you want).

Zero Waste

Having a personal tutor is great, but it certainly takes a number of trials to find the one who will correspond to all your language needs. So wasting time and money is unavoidable. Considering apps, it will take you fewer resources (if none at all) and effort to find something to your taste. Choose. Install. Don’t like it? Delete and try again.

How often do you find yourself in the waiting mode having that waste-of-time feeling? Having an app, revise your vocabulary in a queue, learn new words when traveling or play language games while waiting for your order – now you have a time saver!

Interactivity = Motivation

We’re living in a world full of brightness and interactivity, so why should the learning process be any different? While enjoying videos, using images, listening to podcasts, and playing games, you won’t even notice the learning process itself. It is motivating and fascinating. What else do you need to acquire a new language?

Top-5 Apps For Language Learners

Ready to integrate useful apps into your daily routine? Here’s the top-list to choose from (or to use everything at once).

In the world of language apps, Duolingo has remained at the top for several years already. It’s particularly perfect for beginners as you start from the simplest tasks, working your way up to advanced ones. Reading, writing, speaking, and pronunciation – everything is at the target. But the thing is that you won’t even realize that you’re actually learning!

Most students love the flashcard method, and so do the creators of this app. They say simple visualization and colorful tips is the key to language progress. In fact, the app is so addictive that you literally can’t put the phone down! And… have you ever thought of having a garden? “Plant” and “water” your seeds by learning and revising new words and phrases. Go on, language gardener!

Lacking vocabulary? Drops is targeted at advancing it from zero to hero using short game-like lessons. Diversity of modes, including memo, word search, swiping, spelling, and especially the time limit one, bring that exciting gambling vibe. Mnemonic methods lay the foundation of Drops’ effectiveness, just match a word to the hand-drawn image and welcome it to your long-term memory.

The absence of human-produced feedback is not a problem in Busuu. Instead of machines, they have native speakers to help perfect your knowledge. Diversity of exercise types and context-based vocabulary teaching both to aim at the conversation target, so you can be sure that each word and phrase learned will pay back once you’re around foreign speakers.

If you’re somewhere between beginner and intermediate, try Babbel. It functions similarly to some traditional language apps, but the thing is that Babbel has a much stronger focus on grammar, taming the most difficult structures. Thus, it caters not only to beginners who need effective language introduction but also for those looking for a sufficient grammar supplement.

Effectiveness Depends

You might think that once you’ve installed an app, you’re guaranteed to be a language pro effortlessly. Sorry to disappoint, but nothing comes that easy. Getting through the hardships of language learning without a teacher means that you’re partly to become one, so consider using multiple sources and creating your own learning system to see the best results possible.

To Draw the Line

You couldn’t possibly find a better time for starting to speak a foreign language than it is now — no need to spend a fortune on tutors or courses or embark on tedious traditional lessons. Instead, hundreds of apps, millions of possibilities, and learning full of joy and excitement in your own hands. What else to wish for?

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