6 Business Ideas for College Students

Statistics show that more than 50% of students work part-time. And the motivation is not always the lack of money for tuition or housing. College students strive to gain practical experience or extra useful skills. And the business is an awesome path to start even before graduation.

There are also a lot of those who are already thinking about their own business as their main source of income. Who knows where a small business can be in 10 years?

Student work is usually associated with retail, fast-food restaurants or promoting. And some students think that this level is not what they want. That’s when they turn their head to entrepreneurship.

There are many college startup ideas for small businesses. Almost everyone can find the one that suits him and brings profit.

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How To Start A Business In College

Start-up capital plays an important role in starting a business, just as a high-quality paper writing service plays a crucial role in students’ academic lives. For many students, finding the capital becomes a stumbling block. They have enthusiasm and startup ideas, but they don’t have money. What to do in this case? Look for an idea that will allow you to make money from scratch.

There are many ways to start your own business today. The things you ought to have before starting are desire and aspiration. Statistics show that only 5% of young enthusiasts actually start a profitable business. Why are the numbers so disappointing? It’s because out of all dreamers, only 5% make an effort to make their plans come true.

Online Business Projects For Students

For college students, it is important that their entrepreneurial activities don’t mess up their classes and grades. Thus, the main criteria is that the business has a free schedule. Online business fits into this description perfectly. What can be better than working while listening to a lecture? Here are some ideas for an online business for students.


Thanks to the pandemic – nowadays almost everyone is familiar with online education. And as a college student, you totally have skills that you can pass on to future generations. There are a lot of high school students struggling with their homework. Plus, if you speak more than one language, it’s a perfect subject to tutor. You can start by posting ads and seeking pupils on social media. And later – personal brand with recognisable offers.


It is impossible not to mention the most popular among college startup ideas. Of course, the market already has an overwhelming amount of lifestyle bloggers. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t start your blog on a specific topic that doesn’t yet have so many bloggers. For example, if you enjoy house plants, a blog with beautiful pictures and advice will be unusual. Determine your audience and what do you want to translate to the world – and keep doing you.

Personal Manager

If you don’t like blogging, there is an awesome alternative for you. A lot of influencers and online stores are looking for assistants. You can start your own managing company – it’s not necessary to work with only a couple of bloggers. Set up the profile, price rates, and the services you offer – and you will have a queue of clients.

Offline Small Business Ideas For College Students

Online businesses are awesome, but sometimes students want to go into the real world. Offline startups can have more clients and be more trustworthy. With the increasing number of online scams, old-fashioned business projects can be even more successful.


Vending is a suitable option for those who want to get the largest profit with the smallest effort. It is quite simple to organize such a business – the starting capital can be relatively small. It also requires very little of your time. Business scheme is simple: you install a device with a certain product and check it a couple of times a week.

Today the vending market is developing quite actively. So your vending machine can sell anything. The most popular products are coffee, snacks and drinks. The competition is high here, so it’s better to think of something unique.

What can vending machines sell? Jewelry, lenses, phone accessories, various household items. There are vending machines that make their own pizza, hot dogs, and French fries. Vending machines that print photos from social networks, shoe shines, and sell flowers.

Copy Shop

A great idea for beginners is to open a copy shop. All you need that for this is a minimal investment and the skills to use office equipment. For the start, 2-3 devices and a crowded place where you can open your shop are enough.

Your main clients will be college students. You can offer discounts for your classmates to boost your business recognizability. And in the future, this mini-business can become a more serious business.


It is a store of vinyl stickers, stickers and other popular accessories.  The product is inexpensive but bright – so it is impossible to resist buying it. The margin for such products is quite high, which provides a good income.

The concept of a sticker shop assumes the creation of an original business that will bring not only profit, but also pleasure from the process. Keep the stickers on the most popular pop culture topics in your shop – but don’t forget about unique ones. If you can draw them yourself, that’s even better.

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